Wellington’s Engineers: Military Engineering on the Peninsular War 1808-1814

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Book: Read Wellington’s Engineers: Military Engineering on the Peninsular War 1808-1814 for Free Online
Authors: Mark S. Thomson
Tags: History, Military, Portugal, Non-Fiction, Spain, Napoleonic wars, Engineering
Sir John Fox Burgoyne’s Diaries (several).
Letters from Howard Elphinstone to his wife.
Peninsular Letters of Landmann and Fanshawe 1808–10.
Memoirs relating to the Royal Sappers and Miners, 1813.
Letters from Captain George Ross to Sir Hew Dalrymple.
Account of throwing bridge across Adour in 1814.
Emmett’s Peninsular Diary 1809–14.
Misc letters of Sir Richard Fletcher.
Misc letters from Burgoyne.
Notebook of Capt West on river crossings in the Peninsula.
J. T. Jones’ Diaries from 1810–12.
Fletcher’s Letter book, Nov 1810 – Feb 1811.
Fletcher’s Letter book, Oct 1811 – Oct 1812.
Reid’s notes on the siege of Burgos.
Letters written to Burgoyne by Squire, Pitts and Wright.
Letters of Fletcher and Jones related to Torres Vedras.
Letters to J. T. Jones RE, by his brother Harry D. Jones RE.
Book of letters on Torres Vedras.
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Various letters.
Letters of RE officers, Peninsula, Egypt and Crimea.
Notebook of Harry D. Jones Oct 1812 – Feb 1814.
Burgoyne’s diary and sketch of Siege of San Sebastian.
Letters from Moore and Wellington to Burgoyne.
Instructions on lines of Torres Vedras.
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Reports written by H. D. Jones
Notebook of Charles Rochfort Scott R.S.C.
Various letters on the Peninsular War.
Letter from Burgoyne to Pasley on siege of Ciudad Rodrigo.
Letters to/from Fitzroy Somerset regarding ranks.
Oldfield papers (info on brigade equipment and pontoon train).
Diary of Gustavus Nicholls 1799–1810.
Nicholas’ Diary from the siege of Cadiz.
Letter from A. J. Wortham on Siege of San Sebastian.
Letter from Goldfinch to Morse on battles around Nive and Bayonne (+map).
    In the possession of Vernon Merritt, Tunbridge Wells
    The Diary of Edmund Mulcaster RE, covering the period from December 1808 to September 1810. Various letters written by Lancelot Machell RE, December 1809 to May 1813.
    Primary Published Sources
Anton, J.,
Retrospective of a Military Life , Edinburgh, 1841.
Boothby, C.,
A Prisoner of France , London, 1898.
Boothby, C.,
Under England’s Flag from 1804-1809 , London, 1900.
Boutflower, C.,
The Journal of an Army Surgeon during the Peninsular War , privately printed, n.d.
Bunbury, H.,
Narratives of Some Passages in the Great War with France from 1799 to 1810. By Lt General Sir Henry Bunbury formerly Quartermaster-General to the Army in the Mediterranean , London, 1854.
    The Letters and Journals of Field-Marshal Sir William Maynard Gomm from 1799 to Waterloo 1815 , London, 1881.
Carr-Gomm, F. C.,
Correspondence, Dispatches and other papers of Viscount Castlereagh , 12 vols, London, 1851.
Castlereagh, Marquess of, Dickson, A.,
The Dickson Manuscripts , 5 vols, Cambridge, 1987, reprint of 1905 Woolwich edition.
    Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington , 1st edition, 12 vols, London, 1834–8.
Gurwood, J.,
Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington , 2nd edition, 8 vols, London, 1852.
Gurwood, J., Haldane, H.,
Official Letters written by Lieut-Col. Henry Haldane to the Masters-General of his Majesty’s Ordnance since the year 1802, London, 1807 .
Henegan, R. D.,
Seven Years Campaigning in the Peninsula and the Netherlands , 2 vols, Stroud, 2005.
James, Charles,
The Regimental Companion; containing the Relative Duties of Every Officer in the British Army , London, 1800.
Jones, J. T.,
Journal of the Sieges undertaken by the Allies in Spain in the years 1811 and 1812 with Notes , 1st edition, London, 1814.
Jones, J. T.,
Journal of the Sieges carried on by the army under the Duke of Wellington in Spain Between the Years 1811 to 1814 , 2nd edition, 2 vols, London, 1827.
Jones, J. T.,
Journal of the Sieges carried on by the army under the Duke of Wellington in Spain

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