Wedding Heat: Hole In One (MMM)
condom on the end of
it, and said, “I’m taking my balls and going home. See you around,
    Joey watched in disbelief as the guy walked
away. “I can’t…” He looked at Greg, who didn’t seem half so
stunned. “Can you… can you believe that all just happened?”
    “Sure I can.” Greg stood
up, still naked but for his godawful socks and cleats. “I used to
run into Remi at the clubs before he started this summer job—in
the gay clubs,
not the golf clubs.”
    “I don’t think you’d have much luck in
either wearing socks like those.”
    “Fuck you!” Greg teased, throwing Joey’s
clothes at his head.
    “Awww, I don’t want to get dressed yet.” He
was feeling silly now, lost in the wild, ecstatic bliss of orgasm.
“You’re not my daddy. You can’t make me.”
    Breathing through his hand, Greg did a Darth
Vader impression: “Joey, I am your father!”
    A giggle rose through Joey’s belly, and he
laughed like a little girl. “Oh my god, I fucking love you,
    Greg’s expression fell, and Joey stopped
laughing. The woods seemed quiet now. No birdsongs, no squirrels
rustling under dried needles and leaves. Just the two of them, and
this gaping statement like an open wound.
    “Do you have a boyfriend back home?” Joey
asked in a sudden burst of anxiety. He wondered if he’d been duped,
or just plain stupid, and still he was too exhausted to move from
his stone ledge.
    “Seriously?” Greg laughed. “If I had a
boyfriend, don’t you think I would have brought him to my cousin’s
    “No,” Joey shot back, feeling petulant and
juvenile, but not caring. “It’s a family wedding. You came with
your family. Just give me a straight answer.”
    Greg popped a hip and rolled a wrist.
“Honey, I can’t give you a straight anything… unless it’s in your
    The quip sent a surge of rage through Joey’s
chest, and when he shot up from the moss bed, Greg flinched. “Just
answer the fucking question, Greg. Is there another guy or isn’t
    “Okay, jeeze, I’m sorry!” Greg kicked his
feet into his underwear and pant legs, then unfolded his shirt.
“Yeah, well, there are a couple guys I see sometimes, but it’s not
like they’re… I mean, you want a yes or no answer? No, I don’t have
a boyfriend. I…” He pulled his top over his head, shoving it into
his pants with obvious frustration. “I only met you yesterday!”
    A glimmer of sunlight reached through the
leafy treetops to gently stroke Joey’s cheek. His heart slowed.
Nature’s warm caress calmed him enough that he could really stop
and think about what was going on between him and Greg.
    “I was a fucking virgin until yesterday.”
Joey smirked at Greg to assure him the anger had faded. “I don’t
want to come off all clingy or whatever, but it’s kind of a big
thing that you were my first.”
    Greg looked so serious Joey actually felt
worried, though he couldn’t pinpoint why. In those awful golf
clothes, he sat beside Joey, so close they were almost touching,
and said, “Nobody’s ever told me they loved me before. Not even my
    Greg looked away, rubbing his face against
the short sleeve of his shirt. He’d built such a fabulous wall of
sarcastic bitchiness around himself that it hadn’t occurred to Joey
he might have deep longings. This was about so much more than the
two of them, more than jealousy or sex, more than romantic
    “Sometimes people feel things they don’t
say,” Joey told Greg. He wasn’t used to being the consoler, and he
wasn’t sure if his words made any difference, but what else did he
have to offer? “Like, okay, you met my sister Vanessa. She’s the
coolest, bravest, awesomest person I know and do you think I’ve
ever told her that? Hell no! It’s just not the way we are.”
    Greg swallowed hard and
then laughed, looking hopefully into Joey’s eyes. “She

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