Waves of Murder

Read Waves of Murder for Free Online

Book: Read Waves of Murder for Free Online
Authors: J B Raphael
Tags: Crime, Sex, Murder, cruise, jewel thief
shop around.
    At breakfast he told Lorna all about the previous evening, she had been asleep when he got back to the cabin. “Just remember, no sitting close, no hand holding and no kissing, even though we want to, we are brother and sister. This is business, and let’s hope it’ll be very profitable,” he expressed.
    “Kiss me!” Lorna said.
    “No, even though I want to!” he said, “Tonight we’re in the casino after dinner, it’s not a formal night, so no glad rags. I’ve got some extra cash, plus the on-board spend so we might be able to check out the players, it’s where the ‘ladies’ go!” he said with a smile.
    The casino was fairly busy with the roulette wheel spinning non-stop, with a full table of punters. Jon spotted Helen at one end of the table, feverishly placing chips on lots of numbers, but she must have been doing well as she had a large pile of chips in front of her. She spotted Lorna and Jon, and waved to them to join her, “Hi there, how are you two, hello Jon’s sister, I’m sorry we’ve not been introduced,” she said, all in one breath as the croupier pushed a pile of chips towards her.
    “This is my sister, Lorna, and this lovely lady is Helen,” he said. They touched hands. “You’re doing well,” Jon said.
    “Yeah, I’m $3000 up, but the evening is young,” she said. As she spoke, two chairs next to her became vacant as a couple of losers left. “There you go,” Helen said, “sit down.”
    Jon reached into his pocket and took out a thousand dollars in 100’s. The croupier gave him the same amount in chips, he passed 300 over to Lorna, who was surprised. “You can’t sit at the table without playing,” he said, laughing. Beneath the table she squeezed his thigh, which he moved quickly. Helen continued to win, and Jon also had a pile of chips amounting to $4000, but Lorna was down to her last $50. She looked very dejected, but she thought that Jon’s winnings covered more than her loss. Helen yelped as she got a ‘zero’, which made her about $5000. In total she was $10,000 in front, the die was cast, she would be the one, Jon thought. But he would play the waiting game, after all she could lose the lot tomorrow night! He decided to play it very cool, until the time was right. Mid-Atlantic would be the time, three days to go he said to himself.
    The next night was formal, Jon and Lorna were dressed up, DJ for Jon and quite a cleavage-revealing dress for Lorna. Jon had said that the dress was too open at the top, Lorna said, “Darling, I’m your sister remember, I might get off with a nice man,” she laughed, “they like tits!” she laughed again. Jon ignored her frivolity and guided her into the dining room. They were shown to a table where there was only one other couple, Tony and Georgie, Tony being the man. They introduced themselves as brother and sister. Tony had trouble keeping his eyes from Lorna’s cleavage. They were joined by another couple, getting on in years, Victor and Linda, very boring Jon thought. They were only interested in the menu and wine list, no conversation.
    When they finally joined in any conversation, Victor turned it to his hobby, buses! “Did you know,” he said, “that a London Routemaster double decker was good for two million miles?” he enthused. “Obviously new parts were fitted over that time, but one would last 20 years.”
    “Yes,” said Tony, “my mother had a broom like that!” They all laughed, but Victor turned red and fell silent as the obvious mickey-take was taken the wrong way, but it was only meant in fun.
    After dinner, which seemed to take forever, they decided to go to the Crows Nest bar at the front of the ship, on the top deck. The view to the sea was magnificent, with a slight swell and rise and fall of the majestic bows. “Hi ya kids,” came the greeting from behind, “may I join you, and buy you a drink?” she said, with her perfect $5000 smile.
    Jon stood up, and pulled a chair over to the

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