
Read Waterproof for Free Online

Book: Read Waterproof for Free Online
Authors: Amber Garr
quick glance at me and what I saw told me she was pissed. But I didn’t care. I’d let her kill this man, but if I could help immobilize him, I would.
    I heard the smack of fist against skin as Vee punched his already broken nose. She might be deadly with a sword, but Vee didn’t need one in her hand to be effec tive. The man groaned again and stopped fighting back. At least for the moment.
    Vee leaned over the man’s face and came back with a large rock in her hand. I couldn’t see her expression, but knew it would be frightening. She lifted both hands above her head, and yelled out as the rock c ame down and smashed against her would-be-rapist’s face. Over and over she hit him. I thought the first blow had done its job, but after what just happened to her, I let her be.
    A full minute passed before she dropped the rock to her side and slumped back against me. Her sobs consumed her, and she shook with each one. I wrapped my arms tightly around her, holding her head against my chest and rocking slowly back and forth.
    I don’t know how long we stayed like that, hours or mere minutes, but when a dark shadow appeared in front of us, I knew the time for comfort was over.
    “Are they gone?” The shadow asked. It sounded like Max’s voice, but my ears still hummed with the sound of Vee’s cries.
    “I believe so,” I said.
    Max nodded. “We need you over there,” he said, jerking his head toward the fire.
    “Can you grab Hunter? He’s been knocked out.” I stood, pulling Vee with me. Max didn’t say a word as I stepped over three dead bodies, and carried one broken girl away from the scene.

    “Alicia’s dead,” Max stated before we reached the rest of our group.
    “What?” cried Hunter. Max carried him over one shoulder, but now set him gently on the ground. “That can’t be true.”
    “I’m sorry, but it is. They must have attacked her and Daric first. He’s in bad shape.” Max stopped walking and examined Hunter from top to bottom. “How’s your head?”
    He rubbed his temple and winced. “I’m fine. I can’t believe Alicia’s gone.” Hunter hung his head but not before I saw tears in his eyes. “I’m going to find Daric.”
    Before Max could protest, Hunter disappeared in the dark shadows flanking our group tonight. Zach’s arm around my waist tightened and I suddenly became aware of how close we were. I also realized that my ordeal had been irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Alicia had lost her life.
    “This is all my fault,” Zach whispered.
    Knowing where his thoughts were headed, I stepped in front of him. His pained face pierced my heart, tears starting to appear again without my permission. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed.
    “This is how life is now.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. Did Zach’s actions encourage that group of deserters to attack us? Yeah, probably. But that made me just as guilty.
    “How?” Zach asked Max.
    He knew what Zach meant. “Her throat.” I felt Zach tense underneath my arms. He’d wear this on his consciousness for years to come.
    “And Daric?” Zach continued to torture himself.
    “He has a bad cut on his neck, but it looks like they took Alicia out first. She didn’t even scream.” For the first time, Max’s voice quivered. Usually emotionless and all business, tonight’s attack had left Max feeling the pain too. This wasn’t the first time we’d lost someone in our group, but it didn’t ever get any easier.
    “Max?” Sasha’s voice cut through our wallowing. Her form appeared from the light, pistol hanging in her hand by her side. I hadn’t even heard the gunshots. My focus had been on not letting that disgusting pig rape me. I shivered and Zach squeezed me tighter.
    “Vivienne, are you okay?” Sasha walked directly to me, gently placing her hand on my shoulder. I nodded. “And you , Zach?” she asked.
    “I’m fine.”
    “Good.” Sasha looked at me a

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