Water Witch

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Book: Read Water Witch for Free Online
Authors: Amelia Bishop
regretted my harsh tone. “Sorry. It’s just weird that I can feel you touch me in a vision.”
    He didn’t buy my excuse, the sadness was still obvious in his eyes, but he accepted the shift in subject. “It should not be weird.” He sighed and stretched his legs out, crossing his ankles. “You must accept that your visions are real. When you understand that they do exist, only in a space outside your physical reality, then you will interpret them better, control them more effectively, and no longer fear them.”
    “I don’t fear them.”
    He raised his brows and I flushed. Okay, maybe I did fear the dreams a little. “Are you really going to steal my things?”
    “I can’t discuss that with you, Vincenzo. Please don’t ask.”
    I don’t know why it surprised me that he knew my name, but it did.
    “I prefer ‘Vince.’”
    He barked out a laugh and turned to me, eyes light again. “You are ‘Vincenzo’ to me.”
    Fuck. The way he’d said that, sweet but a little dominant, sent another spark of desire through me. “Who are you?”
    He smiled the same slow smile I’d seen in my first vision of him, and a shiver ran up my back. Maybe he meant me no harm, but that didn’t mean he was safe.
    “My name is Salil.”
    “That’s… Don’t tell me you’re from India?”
    He burst out in a laugh so genuine and deep I couldn’t help smiling in response. “My father was, yes. But you are right, I do not resemble either of my parents. Fae blood is unpredictable. But they named me Salil anyway, and that is who I am.”
    I stretched my legs out in front of me, mimicking his position. “Do you ever have visions of me?”
    He pushed an elbow back and leaned on it, looking very comfortable in my bed. “I have had visions of you my whole life.”
    I wasn’t sure if he was teasing me, his mouth still turned up in a smile and his voice light, but it didn’t matter. He was answering my questions at least. The more I knew about him, the better I could direct my own visions to get the answers I needed. “And what kinds of things do you see in your visions of me?”
    “Things that must be and things that may be, events I can change and events I can only endure.”
    Well, that wasn’t at all what I meant. And by his cocked eyebrow it seemed he knew that. “Cryptic answers are your thing, huh?”
    He laughed again, not as much as last time, but still it thrilled me that I’d caused it. “I see your future, and our future. I do not invade your privacy, if that is what worries you.”
    “Could you, though? Can you see whatever you want?” How much did his powers surpass mine?
    “I could. But I learned long ago not to do that.”
    “Why won’t you tell me the reason you are taking my things? Maybe if I knew more, I could help. Or are you just doing it to hurt me and my family?”
    His shoulders dropped and he let out a sigh. “Do you know everything? See all the events of your life before they happen?”
    “And why do you think that is?”
    I curled my lip at his instructional tone. “My grandfather said we’d never see things we weren’t supposed to change, unless they were totally out of our control. So we wouldn’t mess with fate.”
    “Do you believe in that?”
    I shrugged. It wasn’t something I’d thought much about. “I guess.”
    “Well, I do believe in fate. Unfortunately, my premonitions do not have the limitations you enjoy. I see more, much more. Perhaps more than I should. But what to act upon and what to simply observe…that is another issue. A delicate thing. And that is why I cannot tell you where your belongings are, or why I am taking them. Please do not ask me any more. I hate having to deny you, my love.”
    “I am not ‘your love.’” Even if I really liked hearing you say that.
    He raised his brows and huffed out a breath. “It is not for you to decide whom I love.”
    I stared at him and gritted my teeth, unwilling to say another word. I wished he’d touch me

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