Washed Up (A Gracie Andersen Mystery Book 4)

Read Washed Up (A Gracie Andersen Mystery Book 4) for Free Online

Book: Read Washed Up (A Gracie Andersen Mystery Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Laurinda Wallace
black-haired man, whose physique and good looks had made her a little weak in the knees when she’d first started working for the kennel.
    “I think it’s great that Gracie was able to actually get a vacation,” she answered in wide-eyed innocence.
    Jim huffed and laughed. “You know what I’m getting at. What do you think about her and Marc?”
    “I hope they’re figuring things out. But it’s really none of my business,” she answered diplomatically. “What do you think of this trip?”
    “I think it’s a mistake, myself.”
    “Really? Gracie was pretty excited about spending time with Marc. She may come back with a ring.”
    Jim began pacing and gazing at the floor.
    “I don’t think she could handle being married to a cop. She …”
    His cell phone began ringing. Jim glanced at the readout and chuckled. “Speak of the devil,” he said, answering the call.
    Cheryl suppressed a grin, watching Jim’s face light up. This little vacation was proving to be quite an eye-opener for the Milky Way Kennel staff.

    Gracie drummed her fingers on the arms of the overstuffed chair, waiting her turn with the DEA agents, who were grilling Hank at the moment. Oddly, his short-lived disappearance had tweaked Amanda something fierce. An awkward scene between the two in the kitchen had forced Gracie to relocate immediately to the reading room. She picked up a trail map that lay on the bench next to her, hoping the interviews wouldn’t last long. Marc had left to take Max to a vet appointment for a follow-up on the German shepherd’s foot injury. He’d promised a jaunt to   Ramsey Canyon Preserve after lunch, which would be a welcome distraction after so much sitting around.
    She traced a finger over the map, finally locating the trail she and Amanda had started yesterday morning. After the switchback, it evened out and wound gently to the mountain peak. She noticed that another trail marked Trail #283 led to two abandoned mines. That would be interesting to check out. If there was lost treasure up there, why shouldn’t she have a look? Maybe she could get Marc to explore the sites. If the old equipment were still around, it would at least make for some unique vacation photos rather than touristy ones of Tombstone gunfight reenactments.
    The office door opened, and Hank made a hasty exit without acknowledging Gracie’s presence. By all appearances, Mr. Ramage’s interview hadn’t gone well. The man’s change of demeanor since their last meeting at the restaurant was odd. His friendliness had evaporated with no explanation. A sandy-haired DEA agent stood in the doorway, watching Hank leave. He smiled and motioned her into the office.
    “I’m not sure how I can help,” she started.
    “We’re trying to get an idea of times and the whereabouts of the trail crew when the body was discovered,” the agent said, sitting at the desk. “I’m Agent Miller, and this is Agent Galvez,” he said with a nod toward his shiny-headed partner. “Have a seat, Mrs. Andersen. I don’t think this will take long.”
    Gracie felt her heart start pounding with anxiety as she sank into the leather club chair. She knew absolutely nothing that would help the agents, but why did she suddenly feel like a suspect? Disagreeable memories of quality time spent with Investigator Hotchkiss, who was relentless in her interrogation tactics, must be the reason.
    “We understand that you accompanied Mrs. Littlefield yesterday. Were you with her when the body was found?”
    “That’s right. We were on our way to meet the trail crew.”
    “Did you see anyone around the area at the time?”
    “No. Amanda called for help, and the guys came down within a few minutes.”
    “Who was in the group?” Agent Galvez asked, placing a foot on a square black leather ottoman and leaning toward her.
    The agent’s body language made her distinctly uncomfortable, and she tried to shift discreetly away from the man. What was he trying

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