Warriors of Poseidon 05 - Atlantis Redeemed

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him if he at least made an attempt to mimic the appearance of emotion. “I mentioned my fondness for a good waltz, I believe.”
    Lucas grinned. “Only you, Brennan. Only you would go all nostalgic for a waltz. I bet you and Johann Strauss were buddies.”
    “I never had the privilege of meeting Johann, the elder. But I did, on occasion, take a meal with the younger, and offered my sincere admiration at his progress on ‘An der schönen blauen Donau.’”
    Honey smiled. “‘The Blue Danube’? We played that at our wedding reception for our first waltz.”
    Brennan glanced at Lucas. “You, too, waltz?”
    Lucas put a proprietary arm around his mate and shrugged. “Honey wanted me to waltz, I waltzed. You just wait, Brennan. Someday a woman will bulldoze right over that walled-off heart of yours, and you’ll be doing the tango, the waltz, or the freaking Macarena if she asks you.”
    That was impossible, of course, given the curse, but something dark and dangerous in Brennan’s soul twisted at the idea. Tiernan. If she were the one, if only she could break through . . . But if and when she did, his returning emotions were cursed to destroy him, or—worse, far worse—her.
    Only when she is dead—her heart stopped and her soul flown. . .
    The hated words of the curse echoed through his mind, yet again, and the image of Tiernan’s face in that newspaper photograph appeared in his memory. If only he could remember the way she’d looked as he’d held her in his arms. He closed his eyes and shook his head to clear it.
    When he opened his eyes again, an awkward silence had fallen.
    Atlantis Redeemed – Warriors of Poseidon 05
    Page 22 of 232
    “Lucas’s feet are really way too big to go in his mouth so often,” Honey said gently, stepping forward to put a hand on Brennan’s arm.
    Brennan found it took quite a great deal of forbearance to refrain from jerking away from her.
    “I have taken no offense,” he said, again forcing that artificial smile. “But perhaps we could adjourn to your home and discuss our strategy for infiltrating the IAPN conference?”
    “Right,” Lucas said, clearly relieved to be moving on. “We’ve heard from our contacts. Tracy Baum should be arriving at the hotel soon.”
    “I thought we were meeting Tiernan?” Grace said, glancing back over her shoulder at the buffalo and then at the wolves surrounding Lucas and Honey. “Also, no offense, but is there a reason your Pack members are staying in wolf form?”
    Lucas’s eyes narrowed, but his voice remained calm. “Tiernan is operating under an alias. And it is very close to the full moon, so many of my Pack brothers and sisters prefer to run as wolf during this time. Is there a problem?”
    Alexios almost casually moved so that he was standing partially between Grace and Lucas. “No problem. She’s a city girl, that’s all. All this wildlife is making her twitchy for a cappuccino or something.”
    Grace bristled, but Alexios grinned at her and she laughed, her usual good nature surfacing.
    “I’m sorry, I certainly didn’t mean any offense,” she told Lucas and Honey. “But maybe we could go someplace with four walls and electricity or at least a fire? I may be a descendant of Diana, but I’m one with a healthy regard for modern conveniences, and it’s much colder than I’d expected.”
    Honey whistled. “Descendant of Diana, huh? Been a long time since we saw one of those.”
    Lucas bowed deeply, and Brennan noticed a strange thing. The wolves arrayed around their alpha and his mate all bowed as well, their elegant heads dipping low. The motion was a study in grace in each of them, far more the action of a predator giving honor than that of an animal performing a trick.
    Grace bowed to them all in return, but Brennan heard Alexios muttering, “Here we freaking go again.”
    “The wolf is not Diana’s animal,” Alexios said, biting off the words. “The panther is. So I don’t want to hear any blather about

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