Warprize (Seven Brides for Seven Bastards, 5)(MFMMMMMM)
He suspected it was a piece of wood or a turnip perhaps.
Certainly if he got his hands on it he'd know.
    This might be even more entertaining
than he'd previously thought. How much longer did she think to get
away with her ruse in front of him?
    "Go on, my lord," he said carefully.
"Get your prick out and give the wench a sound rutting. I'm sure
you want to."
    Cedney had eased back on her parted
knees and was wiping her mouth on her sleeve. "No. I don't think I
should tonight."
    "You don't think
you should ?" Dom
struggled to restrain a chuckle.
    "I need my rest. For the hunt
tomorrow. And the wedding night."
    "Sometimes a good, hard fucking helps
a man clear his head. Exercises his muscles too and keeps them in
    "Is that so?" she muttered.
    "It works for me." He grinned. "See?"
Dom held his cock and then ran his fingers languidly over the
growing length. Her cornflower eyes followed the motion hungrily.
"I'm already getting hard again as I think about the two of us
doing it together." He was too, it was quite true, and the plump,
willing wench with her gown tossed over her back was not even part
of the image racing through his mind. It was only him and this
young woman who thought to make a fool of a d'Anzeray. Naughty,
cunning wench.
    Leaning forward, he reached out with
his other hand and grabbed Cedney's "bulge". "You're hard too, my
lord. Hard as a rock." The thing did not move at all, but sat
heavily in his hand. It might have fooled some, but not him. He
knew a dead thing from a living one.
    He rubbed it with his palm and the
lying young woman stared at him. "How dare you touch me this way?"
she whispered harshly.
    He laughed at her pretend outrage.
"You just sucked the froth off my full tankard, Bloodwynne. Do I
not get to return the favor?"
    "No." She pushed his hand away.
"I...think I'll retire." She stood, brushed down her knees and then
said gruffly, "Good eve to you, Redbeard."
    He watched her hurry off, arms at her
sides, the stride impatient and forceful. Manly. Beside him on the
ground, the other wench finally sat up, pulling her gown over her
    "Your ealdorman is a strange
character, is he not?" Dom asked.
    "Lord Cedney is a fine man,
hardworking, just and fair. But he never wants the company of
women. Believe me," she sighed, "we've all tried."
    Dom rubbed a finger over his lower
lip. "Now he is to be married though."
    "Aye and he will treat your niece
well, sir, if that's what worries you. She'll want for
    Except a cock, he mused to
    * * * *
    She went directly to her
bedchamber—the only private place on the entire manor. It had once
belonged to her father, of course, and Hereward was a great
believer in having time to himself. Cedney could remember seeing
her father's counselors gathered impatiently outside his door in
the morning, waiting to confer with him on matters of the estate,
while he sat within silently pondering his own thoughts.
    In times of personal
crisis , he used to say to her, a man is his own best counsel.
    So she lay on her bed and thought
deeply about this Rufus Redbeard who had made her act like a
wanton. He was not her first personal crisis, but he was possibly
the worst and certainly this had gone further than her attractions
had ever drawn her before. The taste of his essence remained on her
tongue. Oh, why could she not have resisted? She should never have
followed him outside the hall, for once she saw him fucking the
other woman all was lost.
    Envy was her undoing. Envy, jealousy
and lust.
    Her father used to say there was no
creature more jealous than a woman.
    A woman. For the first time in her one
and twenty years, Cedney had felt like a woman that evening. Not
just for a few fleeting moments of shame, but with every part of
herself— inside and out. And she had not felt ashamed while it was
    Even now she was hot inside, a
heaviness in her loins promising to give her a restless night. Her
nipples ached and stood to alert.

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