Warprize (Seven Brides for Seven Bastards, 5)(MFMMMMMM)
Redbeard grunted fiercely and
fell back to rest his weight on his hands, pressed into the dirt
behind him. His groin writhed and his back arched. With a shout he
came, spilling his creamy load into her throat.
    She could barely swallow it all as it
came so quickly and there was a great quantity of it. Some oozed
from the corner of her lips, tickling down her chin, until Rufus
swept his broad thumb across her skin and wiped it clean. He was
panting hard, gazing down at her, his eyes afire. His grip
tightened around her chin, not letting her look away.
    What had she done?
    Shockingly enough, she didn't
    After a few moments, he managed words.
"Now you must get your fulfillment as I have had mine."
    She wasn't sure what he meant, but
then he released her chin and moved to where Alaya waited on her
knees, her sopping wet pussy still up in the air.
    "Fill the wench, eh? You're the only
one of us who hasn't had the pleasure of a climax yet. We can't
allow you to go unsatisfied, Bloodwynne." But there was an odd
light in his eyes now when he looked at her and his tone had
changed, hardened. "If you give me a while I'll soon be ready again
and we can share her if you like. My cock up her arse and yours in
her cunt."
    She stared. In her time Cedney had
witnessed many things between soldiers and she had seen two men on
one woman before. It was a sight that made her pussy wet and her
throat dry. Although she'd often tried to look away, her eyes
refused to cooperate.
    "You mean, together?"
    "Yes, indeed. A treat for the groom
and the uncle of the bride."
    "Me in her pussy and you in her
    "Unless you'd like it the other way
about?" He sounded breathless as he looked down her body to the
apex of Cedney's thighs.
    Other way about? To what did he refer?
At first she thought he was trying to find something out about her
preferences. But suddenly, when he smirked knowingly, she realized
he already thought he knew what those preferences were. Was Rufus
now suggesting that he put his cock in something of
    Dear God, had she given herself
    * * * *
    That cheek was too damn smooth. It had
clearly never been shaved and when Dom felt the softness under the
pad of his thumb as he wiped away the line of spilled semen from
that small, round chin, he finally had it confirmed.
    Cedney Bloodwynne was not what he
seemed. Or mayhap it should be said that he was exactly what "he"
seemed, for Dom had sensed it from the first meeting. He just
hadn't known how it was possible— how these Saxons could have
thought to fool him. Although, of course, they hadn't expected
Dominigo d'Anzeray, had they? Rufus Redbeard might have been more
easily tricked into believing that Cedney Bloodwynne was a man.
Redbeard certainly hadn't proved himself to be very clever in the
short time Dom had known him.
    But how the devil had this fine
looking woman passed herself off as a male all these years? Perhaps
the people here were blind. On purpose. It could be the only
    That, or else they ate a lot of those
magical mushrooms that he'd heard grew in the marshes
    Yet the king too had been
    Dom didn't know how he felt about this
development. Was he relieved? Amused? Angry that she thought to
fool him? Or simply intrigued?
    One thing was certain —he was further
    After emptying himself so lavishly
into her mouth only moments before, he should be limp now, but his
cock was not acting as if it had spent at all. The needy ache
remained, a low steady throbbing continued, deep in his
    He looked at Cedney Bloodwynne's lips
and wanted to kiss them. Would she try to fight him off? His gaze
moved down over the front of her tunic and he thought he
ascertained a slight swell where her breasts should be, but clearly
she covered them well, got them bound perhaps. There was something
down the front of her breeches. As Dom stared at it, she covered
the bulge with her hand and adjusted it, just as if it was indeed a

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