hotel and I wouldn’t find him. Really, it was a
matter of luck and timing, and for right now it wasn’t paying off. Still, I
supposed that was better than having a corpse to examine for a demonic magical
signature, so far the new warlock had only been a pest.
“Let’s head home, grab some dinner?”
Lilliana said slyly, “Yes master,” and grinned at me
impudently as she turned the car toward home...
I wasn’t in the mood to be alone, so I grabbed Sal and
headed up to the kitchen. I grabbed a drink, slapped Lilliana on her cute ass
while she was busy preparing dinner, and then took a seat at the kitchen table.
At first I’d thought Lilliana’s and Malina’s explanation of
group tactics in a fight was simplistic, but as I read through Sal to see what
my predecessors thought about it, I discovered they’d been right. Simple was
better when fighting in four disparate groups, getting too creative would just
cause problems and lead to friendly fire.
Next I requested from Sal anything on magical detection
spells and Sal came up blank. I’d been hoping he had a spell in there that was
like my inherent ability but covered a larger area. Either it was impossible,
or my ancestors had decided there was no point making a spell that did
something they could already do.
I found it hard to believe they never ran into a similar problem,
but I filed it away in my mind anyway, with teleporting for when I had a better
clue about magic and might develop my own spells.
I realized the list might get really long before I was
ready, so with a thought I had Al start another section. I grabbed a pen and named
it wish list , and then added numbers one and two. Then I got back to my
spells. Although it was easier to focus and study downstairs. I kept looking
up at Lilliana, and the scent of her cooking was fabulous.
Lilliana asked, “What is it?”
I grinned and looked her up and down quite deliberately,
“You’re very distracting, and that smells wonderful, what are you so sexily
cooking over there.”
She shook her head as if I were helpless, but she was also
fighting a smile, “I’m making a mushroom sauce, for the pork chops which I’m
brazing. Then I’ll stuff it into a pie crust and finish them up in the oven.”
“Sounds good.”
I tried to get back to the book, but Malina snuck up behind
me and started to give me a massage.
Malina said carefully, “It’s normal you know, the way you
felt, the way you feel. Ironically it’s easier to make deals for souls than
the other. Your ancestors found it the hardest part as well.”
I frowned, “Damn, so the evil laughter when I take advantage
of a woman isn’t going to kick in soon?”
Malina chuckled throatily and kissed the top of my head,
“I’d say once you get five or so going, once every five years will be enough
for that. Same with soul deals, though I wouldn’t complain if you did more of
I shook my head, “It just feels shitty, with the soul deals
the targets are greedy, and although the transaction is somewhat unequal, I
don’t feel bad about it. They’re dumb shmucks who are probably headed for hell
I grinned at the irony of that, my whole family line was a
bunch of dumb shmucks by that line of thinking, “It’s different for the other,
I’m taking advantage of a woman’s desperate situation. Maybe that’s why the
first one seemed easier, because her greatest wish had been wanting a child.”
Malina agreed, “It’s necessary, and more complicated because
the sex also creates a temporary connection and brings out that hero complex
I’ve mentioned before. There’s no easy answer. At least you can take comfort
in Karen, that’s something your predecessors never had.”
I smiled at that thought, I also had Malina and Lilliana of
One of my spells had slipped, I recast protection from
physical harm and was back up to five. Then I started to study Sal some more.
It was
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane