War Games (Alien Instincts)
tried to struggle out of his hold. Markar released her immediately and Rae scrambled to get up. Before she could move away from him he grabbed her again and pulled her back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and just held her there.
    Rae put her hands over his, about to pull them off of her, when she felt a tremor move through his body. Still holding her, Rae let out a gasp as Markar stood up and quickly shifted her so that he was cradling her to his chest. Rae looked at Markar warily for signs of what he could possibly be thinking, and for clues as to what the whole video incident was about. It was obvious that it bothered him a lot, whatever the conversation with the other alien was.
    Markar carried Rae all the way into the room with the couches, where he sat down with her in his lap. Rae tried to shift away, but he only held on to her tighter. “What’s wrong, Markar? What is going on?”
    He was staring into the distance, but at the question, Markar’s head snapped in her direction. His eyes were frightening in their intensity. Rae leaned as far away from him as she could while being caged in by his embrace. She wanted to put as much distance as possible between her and the man holding her that looked eerily like a crazed animal.
    “You are mine!” Markar finally declared.
    Rae felt immediate anger at that comment. “I am no ones !” she corrected. “I am not a thing you can own, Markar!”
    Her response seemed to snap him out of his rage. “I meant that you are mine to interview.” he said as if he was only testing out how the words felt on his tongue, not as if he actually meant it. Rae raised one eyebrow at him, but decided not to argue when he seemed so emotional.
    Rae wanted to figure out what was going on. “Who was that you were talking to? Was that another Morian?” At her words his grip tightened on her again and his anger seemed to return. “You know, I can sit on my own.” Rae tried again to shift out of Markar’s hold, but he refused to let her.
    “Yes, that was another Morian. When our Directives happen to take us near one another, we often arrange to visit to break up the monotony of space travel.”
    “That didn’t seem to be a pleasant conversation.” Rae pointed out.
    “He might be visiting us.” Markar looked awfully angry for someone talking about a friendly visit between coworkers. “You must stay near me at all times.”
    Rae raised her eyebrows at that. “Am I in danger?” She had only just begun to let her guard down with Markar. She was surprised that he would suggest she was unsafe around other Morians. He hesitated to answer her.
    “He could show up at any time, and I have no control over his actions. He showed great interest in you, and I fear he will try to take you from me if I am not vigilant. Therefore, you are to never leave my sight.” Markar watched Rae intently, as if trying to will her to obey. He didn’t have to try that hard. She had no desire to leave him. She was certain Markar would return her to Earth if she demanded it of him, but there was no way in hell she was going to trust any old alien that came along.
    “Sounds reasonable enough. I don’t want to be kidnapped… again. Am I going to have to worry about this sort of thing happening a lot? Other aliens dropping in unannounced to steal me away?”
    Markar winced at that. “It is a very rare occurrence when two Morians are close enough to communicate on a private channel, let alone see each other. Which is why I am certain that despite my refusal, he will still board my ship. So from now on, you must remain by my side at all times.” He looked over at the makeshift bed she had made on one of the coaches. Markar swallowed hard. “You may move your things to my room. You must sleep with me as well, until this is over.”
    Rae’s eyes widened in shock at that. “Is that really necessary?”
    “Yes!” Markar glared at her. “It is mandatory until the threat has passed!”

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