War and Peas

Read War and Peas for Free Online Page B

Book: Read War and Peas for Free Online
Authors: Jill Churchill
and pea-pod logo. Another booth like the one Shelley and Jane had manned was set up as well to give away brochures and an artist’s rendering of the new museum and to sell Snellen mementos. The ground-breaking at five o’clock was conducted with great decorum and mercifully short speeches. Jane was surprised at how many supporters of the museum actually turned up. Of course, the free ice-cream cones promised at the end probably had something to do with it.
    Georgia’s and Derek’s roles were confined to sitting on the raised platform and being introduced, Derek as assistant director and Georgia Snellen as a member of the board of directors. Babs and Jumper Cable were likewise introduced as president and vice president, respectively, of the board. Lisa Quigley was the first to speak, giving a brief history of the museum in a weary voice in spite of her attempts at sparkling intonations. She lauded architect Whitney Abbot’s highly creative and yet practical plans for the new museum and added that he wished her to express his extreme regret at being unable to attend the ceremony. At this, she paused as if she’d lost her place for a moment, then quickly took her seat.
    Babs McDonald stepped up to the podium and again welcomed everyone, then made the only reference to Regina Palmer. “Only yesterday, the Snellen Museum lost its guiding hand, but not its guiding spirit,“ she said in her surprisingly young, musical voice. “In great part Regina Price Palmer, the director for the last ten years, was responsible for us all being here today. We salute her memory and her dedication. And, of course, we also salute Miss Daisy Snellen, whose very generous bequest has made it possible for the Snellen Museum to move into the new century in a new home. We hope everyone has enjoyed the Festival this year. I’ve seen many familiar faces here from years past. And we fervently hope to see all of you next year at the Festival, when we will be celebrating the opening of our new museum.”
    It almost sounded like a song, or a battle hymn, the way she said it.
    Babs descended from the platform on Jumper’s arm—he was clad now in a museum Pea Pickin’ T-shirt and khaki trousers, not as formal as the occasion might demand, but certainly appropriate—and the two of them arranged their hands on the shovel handle to lift the first, symbolic bit of earth from the ground. They held the position while photos were taken for the local papers and the museum’s newsletter and archives.
    Somebody behind them sniffled and Jane turned to see Sharlene. Jane moved over to take an empty seat and gestured at Sharlene to come sit between her and Shelley. When Sharlene quit blowing her nose and wiping her eyes, Jane said, “Sharlene, I know it’s awfully soon to say this, but you must keep in mind that this is a new, exciting era for the Snellen. I know you’re very sad about Ms. Palmer, but think how pleased she would be if she were here today.“
    “I know. It’s not so much that I miss her, even though I do. It’s Mr. Abbot I feel so sorry for.“
    “The building architect? Why?“
    “Because they were engaged.“
    “Oh, that’s right,“ Jane said.
    “Well, not exactly engaged. I mean, they’d been sort of engaged a couple times, but I think they were planning to announce at this ceremony that they were really and truly engaged. And now she’s dead and he couldn’t even stand to come.“ She dissolved in tears again.
    Jane patted her shoulder helplessly. Shelley said, “Sort of engaged? Why ‘sort of’?”
    Jane handed Sharlene another tissue. Sharlene mopped her eyes and said, “I don’t know exactly. They’d dated off and on ever since they started working together. Business lunches and things at first, then real dates. And once, they even went up to Wisconsin for the weekend. But after that they didn’t see each other for a while except at the office. At least I don’t think they did, and I kept Ms. Palmer’s schedule for

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