Chapter 1
    “Damn, you stiffed the hell out of her,”
Bryson said.
    Coming from the company’s badass shooter
Courtney took that at a compliment. “I just got tired of her
blowing all her spots. Obviously she’s never worked someone who can
call a match in the ring."
    It had to be a good sign for Bryson to be at
the curtain watching her match. He’d sworn they would never hook up
again after that first time, telling her it had had been a huge
mistake to cheat on his live-in girlfriend.
    She knew better.
    No wasn't a word in Courtney’s vocabulary,
especially when it came to a guy as hot as Bryson Dalton. Even his
muscles had muscles. He stood 6’2”, almost as tall as his dad, and
weighted in at close to 250 lbs. of jacked up perfection.
    Even at nineteen Courtney already knew that
she liked her men a little rough around the edges. There hadn’t
been anything sweet of polite about the way he’d bent her over and
taken her from behind that first time, giving it to her hard and
rough and swatting her ass until it was pink.
    She got all wet just thinking about it and
from the way he was staring at her boobs instead of her face she
had a feeling his mind had gone to the same place.
    “That’s my baby girl,” her daddy said. “From
the way she handled herself out there tonight there’s no doubting
she’s a Fletcher.”
    “Daddy,” Courtney went into working mode,
jutting her lip and batting her heavily mascaraed eyelashes. “Can I
go to the ring with Bryson tonight. You know I’d learn a lot
watching him work Ricky Morton.”
    “Dylan’s going to the ring with me,” Bryson
said, referring to his kid brother.
    “He’s done took off with some hot little
    “Like father, like son,” Bryson motioned
toward his father leading Courtney’s opponent out the back.
    The girl hadn’t even bothered to change out
of her gear. So that’s how the little slut got booked – blowing the
booker. It was obvious she didn’t have any in ring talents.
Everyone knew Billy had always had a thing for pretty redheads. Not
that she was even that pretty or even a natural redhead.
    “Yeah, Courtney can go to the ring with me,”
Bryson agreed. “If it’s cool with Ricky.”
    “Let’s go check,” her daddy said, leading
the way into the dressing room.
    Bryson grabbed her arm, stopping her in the
hallway. “I know you took advantage of that girl in the ring
because of Dad, but you can’t pull that shit working with me.”
    “I know that,” she reminded him, “I’ve been
around the business just as long as you have.”
    “Just so we’re clear.” He gave her a sly
smile. “Not that I didn’t enjoy watching you kick the shit out of
    With that said they went into the dressing
room where Charlie waved them over to where Ricky sat tying
bandanas around his legs.
    “I thought we could do a ref bump,” Charlie
said, “then have Courtney come off the top rope for Double
Devastation. It’ll keep you over and give them some heat.”
    “Double Devastation?” Ricky looked up with a
confused expression on his face.
    “It’s mine and Dylan’s finisher, the old MX
Vego-Matic,” Bryson explained.
    Ricky gave Courtney a good onceover. “She’s
hot as hell, but can she work?”
    “I’m William Fletcher’s granddaughter.”
Courtney said, leaning forward to put her best assets on display,
her 36D breast implants.
    “She just spent three months training in a
Japanese Dojo,” Bryson added. “She could probably work circles
around the rest of the dressing room.”
    “Okay, I’m down with the finish.” Ricky gave
her chest an approving grin. “I’ll set up a spot for you to smack
me too. Be as stiff as you want, I just consider it foreplay.”
    “She’s also a blackbelt,” Bryson warned.
“It’s not a good idea to tell her to work stiff.”

Chapter 2
    Bryson held the ropes open for Courtney and
got an eyeful ass she did her best butt wiggling ring entrance.
    Holy shit! She

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