Waiting for Godot

Read Waiting for Godot for Free Online

Book: Read Waiting for Godot for Free Online
Authors: Samuel Beckett
Are you sure?
Damn it haven't you already told us?
I've already told you?
He's already told us?
Anyway he has put them down.
(glance at Lucky). So he has. And what of it?
Since he has put down his bags it is impossible we should have asked why he
does not do so.
Stoutly reasoned!
And why has he put them down?
Answer us that.
In order to dance.
Silence. They put on their hats.
Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful!
(to Pozzo). Tell him to think.
Give him his hat.
His hat?
He can't think without his hat.
(to Estragon). Give him his hat.
Me! After what he did to me! Never!
I'll give it to him.
He does not move.
(to Pozzo). Tell him to go and fetch it.
It's better to give it to him.
I'll give it to him.
He picks up the hat and tenders it at arm's length to Lucky, who does not move.
You must put it on his head.
(to Pozzo). Tell him to take it.
It's better to put it on his head.
I'll put it on his head.
He goes round behind Lucky, approaches him cautiously, puts the hat on his
head and recoils smartly. Lucky does not move. Silence.
What's he waiting for?
Stand back! (Vladimir and Estragon move away from Lucky. Pozzo jerks the rope.
Lucky looks at Pozzo.) Think, pig! (Pause. Lucky begins to dance.) Stop! (Lucky
stops.) Forward! (Lucky advances.) Stop! (Lucky stops.) Think!
On the other hand with regard to�
Stop! (Lucky stops.) Back! (Lucky moves back.) Stop! (Lucky stops.) Turn!
(Lucky turns towards auditorium.) Think!
During Lucky's tirade the others react as follows.
1) Vladimir and Estragon all attention, Pozzo dejected and disgusted.
2) Vladimir and Estragon begin to protest, Pozzo's sufferings increase.
3) Vladimir and Estragon attentive again, Pozzo more and more agitated and
4) Vladimir and Estragon protest violently. Pozzo jumps up, pulls on the rope.
General outcry. Lucky pulls on the rope, staggers, shouts his text. All three throw
themselves on Lucky who struggles and shouts his text.
Given the existence as uttered forth in the public works of Puncher and
Wattmann of a personal God quaquaquaqua with white beard quaquaquaqua
outside time without extension who from the heights of divine apathia divine
athambia divine aphasia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons
unknown but time will tell and suffers like the divine Miranda with those who for
reasons unknown but time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose
fire flames if that continues and who can doubt it will fire the firmament that is to
say blast hell to heaven so blue still and calm so calm with a calm which even
though intermittent is better than nothing but not so fast and considering what is
more that as a result of the labors left unfinished crowned by the Acacacacademy
of Anthropopopometry of Essy-in-Possy of Testew and Cunard it is established
beyond all doubt all other doubt than that which clings to the labors of men that
as a result of the labors unfinished of Testew and Cunnard it is established as
hereinafter but not so fast for reasons unknown that as a result of the public
works of Puncher and Wattmann it is established beyond all doubt that in view of
the labors of Fartov and Belcher left unfinished for reasons unknown of Testew
and Cunard left unfinished it is established what many deny that man in Possy of
Testew and Cunard that man in Essy that man in short that man in brief in spite
of the strides of alimentation and defecation wastes and pines wastes and pines

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