Viridis - A Steampunk Romance
another time, but
her argument with Seth was still bothering her, and she needed
affirmation that what she was doing to help the Cause was indeed
making a difference.
    She wouldn’t be long; just wanted to check in with
Mrs. Farthing, the dear lady she found to run the shelter. The
recent cold spell would put additional strain on the shelter’s
resources, and Phoebe wanted to make sure they weren’t in need of
anything. She had arranged for food supplies to arrive daily, and
had a doctor visit twice weekly to help with the ill and to
distribute the appropriate medicines. The house staff were even
teaching the young, and anyone else willing, to read and write, and
basic shelter was available to those who needed it on a cold
winter’s night.
    Yet, it was nowhere near enough, just a drop in an
ocean of suffering. But she had plans. Plans she hoped would help
the Cause and aid in making the poor self-sufficient. Reading,
writing, and meeting their basic needs were just the start. She had
hired most of the employees who worked at Viridis from the shelter.
By offering them an opportunity they might not have otherwise, she
received loyal employees in return.
    The wind picked up, whipping its way down the alley
as she knocked on the back door. The walk had chilled her to the
bone, and she would be grateful for a seat by the fire and a cup of
tea to warm her.
    She waited but a moment and then a young woman of
about twenty answered the door. Her hair was the color of spun
gold, and pulled back from her freshly scrubbed face. She wiped her
floury hands against the apron tied around her waist.
    “May I ‘elp ye?” Recognition suddenly dawned in her
glacier-blue eyes. “Mum? What ye doing ‘ere out in the cold? Come
in ‘fore ye catch yer death.” Pulling Phoebe into the warmth, she
steered her towards the fire in the bustling kitchen.
    “Thank you, Anne.” Phoebe had only met her once
before, but she made it a priority to be on a first-name basis with
as many of the inhabitants of the house as possible.
    “I’ll just get ye a cuppa. Help warm ye up, it
will.” With a quick curtsey, she bustled off.
    Phoebe removed her gloves, and placed them in her
lap. She noticed things quieted down as those working in the
kitchen took note of her presence, whispering to each other and
throwing curious glances her way. There was many a familiar face
from her previous visits, but she was pleased to note there were
others she had not met before. It was good to know they were able
to employ in increasing numbers, saving them from dangerous and low
paying work. Or worse.
    Anne brought her a tray with a steaming cup of tea
and a plate of still warm thick sliced bread slathered with melting
butter. Anne pulled up another chair and placed the tray on it so
Phoebe would not have to leave the warmth of the fire.
    “There ye are, Mum. Shall I fetch Mrs. Farthing?
She’ll be right pleased to see ye.”
    “I’d appreciate that. My thanks.” Phoebe held the
teacup in her hands, letting the steam warm her face, before taking
a sip. As she drank her tea and sampled the delicious bread, her
chill faded away, and it was not long before she saw the stout form
of Mrs. Farthing making its way towards her .
    Phoebe had been lucky to find such a gem of a woman
in Mrs. Farthing. Kind of heart and motherly, she was also stern
enough to run a tight operation. Under her guidance, the shelter
was doing incredibly well after only several months in existence.
In many ways, Mrs. Farthing was like the mother Phoebe missed so
much, doling out love and praise with a good dose of advise and
concern on the side.
    “My Lady, you should have let us know you’d be
paying us a visit. And did you come all on your own?” A look of
worry and consternation crossed Mrs. Farthing’s weathered face.
    Phoebe could not resist a smile at Mrs. Farthing’s
maternal scoldings. “I did come alone, but really, it was fine. I
wanted to make sure you were not in need of anything,

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