Virginblood (Seven Brides for Seven Bastards, 4)
Amen !"
    They both laughed as she shouted
louder, calling them every name she could think of.
    Suddenly she was lifted off her feet
and thrown over Salvador's wide shoulder. He marched her out into
the yard with Ramon close behind.
    "Now you must be punished for that
lying mouth, woman. We don't tolerate deception here or women who
are quarrelsome and disrespectful."
    He sat on a barrel in the midst of the
yard, tossed her gown over her head and held her down over his
    "Go to it, Ram. Spank her. She
deserves it for being a surly, stubborn, lying little
    The cold air on her bottom made her
glad of the wool gown over her head to hide her face. She knew the
yard must be full of people all going about their work, and they
would now be watching, looking at her naked arse. She even heard a
few chuckles. Some of the castle residents had made it plain that
they thought her a haughty miss and now they would relish her
public comeuppance.
    She squirmed, gasping for breath, the
buckle of his tunic biting into her side. But Salvador's strength
overpowered her easily. And then came Ramon's flat hand smacked so
hard against her bottom that she bit down on her tongue and her
eyes watered.
    One of Salvador's palms pressed down
on her back, while his other arm wrapped around her thigh,
spreading her legs as he held her across his lap in a pose so
undignified that she could not bear it. Now the chill swept her wet
pussy as well as her buttocks and she heard feet moving quickly
over the cobbles, splashing through puddles, as people gathered
around to watch. They called to each other, alerting more folk to
the scene, and Jeanne's heart raced until she was dizzy. With her
free leg kicking wildly she made a last mad effort to get free, but
it was exhausting and futile. Ramon's hand came down on her
buttocks again, and a shout rose up from the crowd.
    "Harder!" the blacksmith yelled
throatily. "Spank the pride out of that prissy wench who walks
about with her nose in the air, thinking she's so much better than
    "Aye," cried another voice, "Spank the
wench harder! Make those cheeks sore, master!"
    And Ramon proceeded to do exactly
that, much to the joy of the rowdy mob.

Chapter Four
    With each sting of Ram's hand, she
bounced a little in Salvador's lap. Her bottom throbbed. She knew
her cheeks, at both ends, must be scarlet.
    But to Jeanne's shock, the spanking
did not take away from what he had done to her earlier. Her pussy
still felt the pulse of wanton desire. If anything, it was now
    The crowd around them was loud,
chanting and applauding, but she no longer imagined their faces
leering at her. Their noise was like the roar of the sea and she
was simply a little boat being tossed about on the waves. Even when
she heard the spit boy yelling excitedly that he could see her
cunny, calling to his friends to come look, she quickly cast it
away into the distance and concentrated instead on the shuddering,
jolting desire caused by that hand on her smarting
    Between spanks, Ram had let his
fingertips stray down to her pussy lips, stroking them slyly,
holding them open, running the rough pad of his thumb over the
sticky inner folds and wriggling it gently against the pearl of her
    Her hips thumped up and down on
Salvador's lap and he grunted, pinching her arse roughly. "Is the
little brat coming, Ram? She'd better not. Don't you diddle her
clitty. Keep spanking."
    Someone—possibly the spit boy— was
howling like a wolf.
    She became breathless, waiting for the
next stroke, squirming on Salvador's hard, muscular thighs. He too,
it seemed, grew impatient with Ram's teasing.
    "You don't do it hard enough, boy. Are
you spanking her or kissing her?" So he squeezed her arse cheeks
cruelly and began serving her with his own slaps, which were harder
and fell faster, giving no chance for recovery after each one. He
laughed at her blushing bottom and with one arm still hooked around
her thigh, he called one of

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