Virgin Whore

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Book: Read Virgin Whore for Free Online
Authors: Thomas Henry
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, BDSM
my cheek.  “Come see me tomorrow?” she asked
    She caught me unprepared.  I knew there was no way I could come back tomorrow.  My live-in girlfriend was coming home from her trip.  I should have anticipated Yong’s question and rehearsed an answer.  But I hadn’t.  The easy answer would be to tell her what she wanted to hear.  I would see her tomorrow night.  But I couldn’t lie to her.  At least, not so directly.
    “Um, no, not tomorrow.”
    “Why not?” she pouted.
    “I have some things I need to do.”  My mind raced.  I should have planned for this.  “Besides, I need a little rest.  I have to work, too, you know.”  I forced a chuckle.
    “When, then?”  She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled her naked body hard against me.
    “Hmmm?”  I stalled, trying to imagine when I might be able to see her again.
    “Tell me when you will come back to see me.”  She clung to me like a child.
    And then I thought I understood.  She had saved herself for me after all.  There had been no other men.  She had given herself to me alone, and she was counting on me to rescue her.  Perhaps it was easier for her to rationalize selling her body if it was to only one man.  That didn’t make her a whore.  She could think of herself as my mistress.  My lover.  My girlfriend.
     “When?” Yong repeated, tugging at my neck and pressing her pelvis against me.
    I looked her in the eyes, and then kissed her forehead and hugged her.  “I don’t know exactly right now.  The next few days are going to be really busy for me.  But I want to see you as soon as I can.”  The truth.  But not the whole truth.
    She released her grip on my neck and placed her hands on my chest as if she were about to push me away.  “OK.”
    I knew she was upset.  With no commitment from me, she would have no choice but to sell herself to other men.  My heart wanted to tell her what she wanted to hear, but I just couldn’t do it.
    She slipped from my arms as she knelt to pick up her towel.  After rewrapping it around herself, she opened the door and, with a quick peck on my cheek, ushered me through it.  “See you soon,” she said softly, closing the door behind me before I could turn and take a last look at her.
    I went down the stairs and headed for the front door.  The receptionist was sitting on a sofa, watching television.  Her little dog was sleeping next to her.  They seemed not to notice me.  As I pushed open the front door, I had a vision of the receptionist leading another man up the stairs.  I saw her introducing the man to Yong and then leaving them together in the dark room.  Then I flashed on an image of Yong’s arms and legs wrapped around the man’s thrusting body.  My stomach churned.  If I didn’t rescue her, other men would have her in the days and weeks to come.  And then, I never could have her again.  She never would give herself to me again.  Not the way she had.
    I got into my car and just sat there, wishing that somehow I could do something.  Down deep, I knew there was no way.  But I just couldn’t let go of the feeling.  If only I could find some way to take her away from here and keep her for myself.
    I could just imagine what she would have me do.  She would insist on seeing me every night until she had repaid the money she had borrowed.  Then she would pressure me to “take care” of her.  Get her out of there.  Set her up in an apartment.  Give her a little spending money.
    And in a way, the idea appealed to me.  A couple of hours of fervent sex with her a few times each week.  A simple business arrangement.  No strings attached.  No fuss, no muss.  What more could a man want?
    But I knew it wouldn’t be that way for long.  If I was lucky, she’d soon find someone else who could afford to give her more.  But more likely, she’d start to pressure me to dump my girlfriend.  To give her a ring.  To make a commitment.  To make a nest.  And then

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