Vatican Assassin
how much of his grief is real and how much is him trying to salvage the situation for his friends in the UIN?
    He’s p robably in there trying to undo all the confidence and trust I’ve been working to build up in Edwards. The UIN doesn’t want him cozying up to the OPO!
    Almost three minutes
    now. I’ll just mistakenly reenter early...
    Daniel McEntyre is shouting and waving with his back to BC as BC opens the door.
    “ Of course this is an assassination, Marc! They killed her. She’s gone! They took her from me. Took her away from me! From all of us! And now you’re taking their side?”
    Daniel McEntyre doesn’t hear or see BC enter, but Edwards does.
    “Father Campion! Please, excuse us, I’ll let you know when we’ll reconvene.”
    I don’t think so . Time to see what this McEntyre guy’s all about.
    “Mr. McEntyre? I’m sorry about your loss. I’m sure you want to blame someone...”
    “Damn right I do! This time you and your UTZ puppet masters have gone too far! Was it you? It probably was you! You’re Campion, right? I heard all about you. You’re OPO. You’re not really even a priest! You used to be just a rip-off scam artist, a fake minister until their so-called “reunification”
    legitimized you! I know all about you, Campion! You and your type make me sick! You call yourselves Christian!”
    “Clearly you’re distressed, sir. And you must have me confused with someone else, certainly. I can understand...”
    McEntyre drowns him out, yelling and moving towards him with his hands balling into fists at his sides.
    “You and your UTZ butchers won’t get away with this! You won’t!”
    “Daniel!” Edwards finally tries to intercede, getting up from the table to move between McEntyre and BC.
    Best if I just say nothing at this point. Be the calm beside the storm.
    “You bastards are all so smug!” McEntyre shouts at BC, face to face. BC doesn’t flinch, absorbs the rage.
    Edwards approaches, tries to calm McEntyre, pull him away from BC’s face.
    “Daniel, you’re overwrought, you gotta calm down! Please.”
    “That’s it!” McEntyre turns and charges BC.
    Shit! He’s crazy!
    BC drops under McEntyre’s charge, arms up in front of his face. McEntyre flies over him, into the doorframe with a loud “slap.” He shakes it off, gets back up and turns and grabs BC by the collar as BC gets up.
    Edwards muscles in and gets his arms around McEntyre from the back to pull him off BC. McEntyre drops BC’s collar. When McEntyre’s arms come down, Edwards shifts his hold. He wraps his arms around McEntyre, pinning his arms at his sides, holding him in a steady bear hug. Wow, Edwards didn’t look that big at first. That looks like some law enforcement style hold he’s got on him, too. Let’s hear it for proper training. And good reflexes.
    “Let me go, Marc!”
    “Let me go, Marc! They’re the killers!”
    “C’mon, Daniel, calm down before I gotta call security...”
    Edwards doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t relax his hold on McEntyre, until McEntyre finally relaxes and gives in. He stops fighting and sucks in some deep breaths.
    “All right. I’m all right, Marc. You can let me go now. Just let me finish talking with you.”
    Edwards relaxes his hold, and McEntyre steps back away from Edwards.
    “I think you’re finished now, Daniel. We’ll talk more later, when you’re more together. Your loss has you distraught. You’re not thinking right, right now, Daniel. We’ll talk later. I’ll call you.”
    “No! They’re twisting you with their lies, can’t you see that, Marc? Send me away now and they win, don’t you see? Listen to this priest ,” he spits out the word with bitterness and sarcasm, “ and they win! He’s one of them! Why do you think here’s here now, why do you think he came in here when we were talking? Huh? He didn’t want me exposing the truth! He’s a fake, a phony priest, and you’re buying his shit! He’s the real

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