Vanguard: The Complete Second Season: A Superhero Serial (Vanguard: The Collected Seasons Book 2)

Read Vanguard: The Complete Second Season: A Superhero Serial (Vanguard: The Collected Seasons Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Vanguard: The Complete Second Season: A Superhero Serial (Vanguard: The Collected Seasons Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Percival Constantine
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Action, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Superheroes, superhero teams
woman who stood closest to the casket, her blond hair turning gray with age. A black veil hung from her hat to cover her face, but it did nothing to conceal her audible grief. They saluted and the casket lowered into the ground.  
    The mourners left one by one, but the members of Vanguard lingered. They stood over the grave, staring down at the headstone, the name LEONARD THORNE engraved on its surface.
    “That’s it,” said Dom with a sigh. Slightly more emotion than anyone in the team was used to from him. “It’s over.”
    “He’s right,” said Jim. “Any thought we might have had to continuing Vanguard looks to have died with the Colonel.”
    “But we don’t even know what happened,” said Erin. “An explosion? Right before he was going to accept the job? How can that be a coincidence?”
    “As awful as it is, sometimes bad things just happen,” said Anita.  
    McCabe stepped closer to Erin and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I understand what you’re feeling, Erin. It doesn’t seem to make any sense. But Anita’s right, sometimes these things just happen.”
    “I’m still taking the position at Cerberus,” said Jim. “I’ll do what I can to get to the bottom of this.”
    “What about Zen?” asked Koji, looking up at his teammate. “Thorne was gonna help him get back in his body, using Cerberus’ resources. But now…”
    “We’ve been talking about that,” said Lee. “I’m gonna see if I can help Zenith get back to normal.”
    “How’s that? Like Koji said, you don’t have the resources,” said Dom.
    “We shall figure something out,” said Zenith. “Do not worry about us, my friends. Just watch out for yourselves.”
    Jim looked down at his watch and gave a sigh. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. I have some interviews before I’m approved for Cerberus.”  
    “Yeah, I’ve got a plane to catch myself,” said Koji.
    “Back to Hawaii?” asked Erin. He nodded in response.
    “We should get you back to your mom, too,” said Anita, patting Erin on the back.  
    “Where are you off to?” asked Dom.  
    “Baltimore at first, going to stay with my mom for a bit,” said Anita. “Figure things out from there.”
    “What about you, Dom?” asked Koji.
    Dom shrugged. “Wherever the wind takes me, I guess. Got my pardon so I’m going to stay off the grid for a bit.”
    “Can’t believe it’s all over…” said Erin, still staring at the headstone.  
    The team said their goodbyes and parted one by one. Until the only two left standing over Thorne’s headstone were Zenith and Lee. The newest addition to Vanguard hung his head and shut his eyes.
    “I feel like shit.”
    “I know,” said Zenith. “But we must keep up this charade for now. If we are to have any hope of getting to the bottom of this.”
    “I guess…”
    A series of beeps came from Lee’s jacket. He reached for the inner pocket and drew out his cell phone. After he checked the new message, he looked up at Zenith and gave a nod.
    “He’s ready to see us.”
    “Then we have work to do,” said Zenith.


    The shuttle soared through space, approaching the orbital space station called Olympus. They began the docking procedure, and the passengers were given permission to disembark.  
    Jim Ellis was among the passengers who crossed the passage and into the airlock of the Olympus. When the doors opened, he saw a thin man with graying hair at the temples, a man Jim knew well. The two men smiled and Jim walked right up to him, accepting his welcoming handshake. The other passengers moved by the two friends, being directed deeper into the Olympus facility.
    “It’s good to see you again, my friend,” said Abram Zukov.  
    “You too, Abram.”
    Zukov had been an agent of the Russian FSB when he encountered Jim and Vanguard on a mission. But now he was dressed in a black uniform with a red circle emblazoned over his chest. Inside the circle was the outline of a three-headed dog.

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