sex. Ahem.
A beautiful face, obviously spawned from a powerful magic spell cast by angels or elves or whoever is in charge of that kind of thing. An almost absurdly gorgeous face. Dazzling sky-blue eyes surrounded by dark lashes.
I will remember that scene for all eternity.
But it gets better.
There was one of those moments that every romance reader hopes for when she cracks the spine on a new book. Eyes meeting across the room. Or in this case, eyes meeting as he looked down from the stage.
Electricity. No shit.
Now, I have to tell you that I’ve experienced electricity before, but only with another immortal. Never with a human. That’s what made this situation even more juicy and intriguing. It occurred to me that this succulent tidbit might not be human, but my senses told me absolutely that he was mortal. Mostly. There was that undefinable something extra.
Niven locked eyes with me and literal sparks flew. I don’t think that any of the other humans in the room noticed the exchange between us, but it was so powerful that it caused him to catch his breath, mid-tune, and take a few seconds to recover.
He managed to get through the rest of his set without consequence, all the while keeping his attention riveted on me. Our connection became so obvious that people on the dance floor began to look back and forth between Niven and me to see if they could discern what the deal was. I doubt if the real deal became apparent to any of them.
I should probably mention that my own, natural energy – my sexual aura, if you will – is always the strongest in any room. That means that I usually generate attention whether I focus on it or not. I tend to be an undead pied piper unless I use my potent mental abilities to distract the lemmings from diving into that particular sea. So, it wasn’t only the fireworks between Niven and me that caused the inhabitants of the club to be drawn to our interactions. It was simply me being me.
As the last notes of the last song of the set floated out across the poorly-ventilated room, Niven put his guitar in its holder and strode purposefully over to me. The hairs on my arms raised as he approached and I felt a warm sensation low in my body.
He moved to within inches of me and whispered, “I’ve been waiting for you.”
I gave him my most elegant raised-eyebrow response.
When you’ve been alive as long as I have, and you’ve been the one doing all the waiting, that was indeed a refreshing and fascinating statement to hear coming from the obscenely desirable lips of a ridiculously handsome human.
Then he locked those superb blue orbs on me and said, “You’re a vampire.”
A glorious smile took my face hostage and I ran my tongue across my teeth, enjoying the feeling of my canines extending down ever so slightly. I leaned into him and licked his neck.
Could this tasty morsel get anymore exciting?
I just love a mystery.
Chapter 3
A s he stood next to me, I felt things I hadn’t experienced in centuries. As if the cells in my body held memories that were being recalled at a level deeper than my consciousness could access. Memories that stretched back to the beginning. To something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
Since the two of us were surrounded by a swarm of tranced-out bodies (the vibration I emit is potent enough, but just imagine what it must have felt like to be caught up in the tidal wave caused by two extraordinary quantum fields coming together), Niven silently reached out his hand, grasped mine and pulled me toward the rear of the club and out the back door.
I gleefully went along for the ride. I can’t help it. I love when stuff like this happens.
It was a beautiful spring night and the air was perfumed with that wonderful combination of lilacs and the blossoms of Russian olive trees. The full moon was doing that mystical thing where it’s shrouded in haze and surrounded with wispy, shimmering rings of colors. The kind of moon that foretells