Vampire Apocalypse: Fallout (Book 3)
    The humans did not, of course,
stop their daring rescues, but the last time he had lost any human
prisoners, he had also lost every thrall guarding them. While he
did not like losing thralls, he was somewhat pleased that his
forces were now prepared to die rather than report further prisoner
losses. However, he had to do something about those blasted
    He had already sent three envoys
to Von Kruger to arrange a meeting where they could agree terms and
maybe help each other to address the growing problem of the humans.
Unfortunately, each one of his ambassadors had been slaughtered and
their bodies had been dropped by passing vampire patrols in the
    For his part, now that he
controlled as much territory as he thought he could handle, he had
sent his forces out to discover where the Vampires had set up their
new lairs. Vampires were creatures of habit and still considered
themselves far superior to their former slaves. To this end, their
resting places had been relatively easy to find and Carter had
ordered three vampires beheaded and returned to Von Kruger in
retaliation for his three envoys.
    Von Kruger had not replied as
yet to this latest show of strength, but he would, and soon. Either
there would be a slaughter, or, more likely, a compromise. Neither
vampire nor thrall could survive against the forces surrounding
them unless they worked together. However, if he couldn’t supply
Von Kruger with a guaranteed food source and protection during the
day from the human rebels, then the vampires would be forced to
attack Carter and his thralls for the food that they needed. And
that would not be beneficial for anyone. He had to nullify this
rebel threat before it threatened his new empire. The question was
    He knew that they must be coming
in from the East but his patrols had been run ragged over the last
two weeks as they followed tracks that led nowhere. Someone in this
human group knew how to track and to lay false trails, and it was
driving his men mad. He even had one situation where two of his own
patrols had opened fire on each other thinking the other force to
be the force they were tracking. It wasn’t good for morale,
    His men knew that there was an
uneasy peace with the vampires but that no agreement had yet been
reached, so they constantly scanned the skies in the night as if
expecting death to rain on them all for their daring to declare
independence. He might rule now but it was a precarious position
that could lead to his own death if he couldn’t show his own forces
that he was capable of securing all of their futures. Added to this
threat was the fact that prisoners were still disappearing
regularly, as if by magic, and it was making his men very
    Carter finished his beer and
pondered his next move. He wondered idly why the vampires did not
simply find the human rebels now that they knew of their existence,
but could not come up with any answer to that one either. He
shrugged and called for his aide. He had the beginnings of a plan
in the back of his mind but he was too tense. He had seen a
particularly pretty female in the holding cages on his way in and
she would provide some much needed entertainment before he had to
get back to work.

Chapter 3
    Jake Warren strode over to the
consol and cursed. That was the second time today that the core had
registered a temperature spike and he was damned if he knew what
was causing it. Atkins would have known, of course, but the thralls
had grown tired of his repeated demands for more workers at the
plant and he had been thrown back into the pens to join the line of
serum-induced zombies and wouldn’t be passing on any of his vast
knowledge anymore. Damn him , Warren cursed as he flicked the
switch up and down and prayed for the temperature to go down again.
Warren had no idea what he was doing but this had seemed to work
the last time. He sweated heavily as he waited for the needle to
move away from the

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