Urden, God of Desire

Read Urden, God of Desire for Free Online

Book: Read Urden, God of Desire for Free Online
Authors: Anastasia Rabiyah
Tags: Erótica
Shiemir.” She clutched a pillow to her chest and imagined killing him. There were many ways to do it, but she wanted to be close to him when he sighed out his last breath.

Chapter 6
    Enrue left the com room and returned to his bed. He lay awake for some time in the dim light thinking about the Cossia messenger the Empire had sent. She was striking, her eyes like none he’d ever seen. “Probably a half-breed,” he mumbled under his breath. Not that he cared. He didn’t desire the attentions of a woman anymore, or so he tried to convince himself. There was only the war and an end to it in his favor. He didn’t have time to play games with Melia. Games wasted precious time.
    If she made her way to Taraf and managed to get close enough, he’d have her detained, share a few words with her and either send her back to the Empire or have her executed. He closed his eyes, but the vision of her face would not leave his mind. Was she in bed? It was night in Alga, if that’s where she still was. It did look like a blanket and pillows behind her. In turn, he’d just showered and woken from a restless sleep.
    He counted the clicks of his antique clock. It hung over his bed ever reminding him of the day his wife had gifted it to him. Ruria was beautiful in a unique way. Her body was small and delicate, and her mind never ceased. They were not as close as a husband and wife should be. One night she’d returned from an extended holiday to Earth and brought back the clock. Moments of passion were few and far between in the years they shared. After he unwrapped the gift, she’d pressed her mouth to his and they’d made love, conceiving their only child. He wondered what possessed her then. Was it being parted for so long?
    Enrue sighed. He blocked out the past and tried to sleep a little more.
    * * * *
    The metal crates arrived at midday. Enrue stood in the landing bay watching his servants load the monstrous containers onto air lifts. The two Unangi statues were to be put on display in the greeting room of his palace for a time, at least until he thought of a better use for them. He’d already sent guards into the mountains to find a leader of the tribal people in order to determine the statues’ value to the Unangi people.
    He rubbed at his eyes, still tired from not sleeping. No matter how many times he tried to push the Cossia’s face from his thoughts, she kept returning. “Then you invite a quick death. You know that, don’t you, Enrue?” she had said. It wasn’t her threatening statement that bothered him, but the fact that she’d used his first name. It violated protocol. If anything, my rank or surname was acceptable, but Enrue?
    Grunting, he started away from the bay to adjourn to his office. He had more documents to complete, three treaties to sign and a virtual meeting with a leader from another system interested in joining the rebellion against Kyleena. The long walk to the upper level of his palace had his mind wandering right back to Melia. There was something about her he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Behind her obvious sex appeal, no doubt a reason Kyleena had hired her, he sensed a strength that reminded him of himself. A power held behind a great wall, a façade.
    He tapped in the keycode, entered his dim office and slumped in his padded vinyl chair, not bothering to switch on the lights. His computer sprang to life. Reaching forward, he punched in a search for the name Dargon. Primarily, the surname was believed to have been originated after a gaming craze popularized it. Dargon was an adopted name, and not one originally passed on.
    “Interesting,” he whispered, intrigued. “You’re not real, are you?” He ran a search on Kyleena’s files, the ones he had pirate access to through one of his many contacts. He searched through all Cossia rank listings, knowing it was futile. The gold-eyed messenger is not a messenger at all. Enrue tapped in a search for captains, undercover

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