of employees and contractors for Attitude Is Altitude gathered at my house, and I found myself trying to explain the transformation.
“The Nick you’ve known, the big dreamer and overachiever, is gone,” I told them tearfully. “He’s done. I’m so sorry I let you down.” Those closest to me—my parents, my brother and sister, my friends, and my advisors—did their best to console me at first, and then, as I continued to wallow in despair, they rallied around, trying to snap me out of it. They held, hugged, and reassured me. My ministry staff members were ever gracious, giving me space but sharing jokes, smiles, and hugs to encourage me. They even quoted me to myself. “Nick, you always say that as long as you can look up, you can get up. Watch your DVDs and videos, remind yourself of what you already know!” they suggested. “There is a lesson in this. You will get through this, and you will be stronger than ever. God has a reason!”
It was so surreal to have someone quote my own words to me to try tolift my spirits. Yet they were right. I just needed to be reminded of the same things I tell others all the time. I was the poster child for someone whose faith was missing in action. My guilt and shame over the cash problems of my business left me questioning my value, my purpose, and my path. I didn’t doubt God’s perfection. I just couldn’t access my belief system because of the despair.
Another who tried to help me was a Dallas friend, Dr. Raymund King, who is both an attorney and a physician. He had arranged for me to speak at a medical seminar, and I didn’t want to disappoint him. But when I arrived, he could see I was emotionally and physically drained.
“You have to take care of yourself first,” he said. “Without your health you will lose all you’ve worked for.” Gently, he took me aside and counseled me about keeping my priorities straight, and then he prayed a simple prayer with me and hugged me. It had been a struggle just to get there, but Dr. King’s caring words really hit home. It may have been the best motivational speech I’ve ever received. His words stayed with me because he obviously was concerned for me.
His little talk reminded me of one my father gave me when I was just six years old. I had a tendency to be a little reckless and over the top when it came to throwing myself around. I’d banged myself up clowning around with a classmate who offered me a bite of a banana while I was sitting in my wheelchair. I lurched forward to chomp on it like a monkey, and in the process I tipped forward in my chair, crashed to the ground, and banged my head so badly I blacked out momentarily.
My father’s concern was touching, and I’ll always remember his words: “Son, you can always get another banana, but we can’t get another Nicky, so you need to be more careful.”
Like my father, Dr. King urged me to examine my actions and theirimpact on my life. I had been driving myself because I thought the success of all my endeavors depended on me when, in fact, I should have trusted in God and relied more on His strength and His will and His timing.
That lack of humility and faith led to my meltdown and the loss of joy in my life for a brief season. I began to see my speaking engagements as a duty rather than as my purpose. Because I was afraid I would not be able to provide what mourning students needed, I even turned down a request to speak at a high school where there had been a student suicide. I cried after refusing that opportunity because speaking is my passion and helping others is the source of my joy.
I wish I could tell you that one morning I woke up with a clear head and a renewed spirit, jumped out of bed, and announced, “I’m baaaaack!” Sorry, it didn’t happen that way for me, and if you go through a similar rough period, you may not pop right out of it either. Just know that better days are ahead, and this too shall pass.
My comeback played