
Read Unraveled for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Unraveled for Free Online
Authors: Gennifer Albin
maneuver the dark corridors and as we round the corner, I make out several heat sources
     in front of us. The prisoners lie in puddles of umber, huddling together for warmth
     in the cold cells, but as we approach they move toward the bars.
    “Ladies,” Cormac greets them. He sounds charming and relaxed.
    There is an acute inhalation in the room, like each person has sucked in a breath
     at the same time. I wonder how they’re feeling now that Cormac Patton has come to
     see them. Do they think he’s come as their savior or do they know him as well as I
     do? They must know. Even the Spinsters who pretended to be blind couldn’t help but
    One of the women finally dares to speak. “Minister Patton.”
    “Can we get some emergency lights on in here?” Cormac asks.
    There’s a buzz of orders throughout the room and a few minutes later a dim light flicks
     on overhead.
    I wonder why they need to have a holding cell under the Ministry offices, anyway.
    I don’t have to think long about that question.
    “Ladies.” Cormac’s politician smile is plastered on his face. “The whole of the Eastern
     Sector is in terror—”
    “Sir,” the woman dares to address him.
    “What’s your name?” he asks her.
    “Hanna,” she says. She’s a few years older than me, with an upturned nose set over
     a wide mouth, and her brown eyes sparkle with rebellion.
    “Hanna, don’t speak until I tell you to.” The smile slips from his face, showing them
     the Cormac I know and loathe. His fingers massage his temples. I guess I’m not the
     only one giving him a headache. “As I was saying, your actions—or rather inaction—have
     crippled this entire sector. I would love to hear your reason for abandoning your
     duties. You’ve left the entire sector in fear.”
    Hanna doesn’t look abashed at Cormac’s admonishment. She looks angry. She obviously
     hates him as much as I do. It occurs to me that in another scenario she and I might
     be friends. Except that I’m standing on the other side of the cell’s bars, and I’m
     sure she hates me as much as him at the moment.
    “We want basic rights,” Hanna says. But the anger makes her voice tremble, weakening
     her strong words.
    “Basic rights,” Cormac parrots. “You have clothing, food, shelter, safety. The last time I checked,
     those were basic rights.”
    “We want the rights you afford other citizens. We want to be able to marry and to
     have our own homes,” Hanna says.
    “Those are privileges,” he corrects her.
    “And we don’t deserve privileges?” Hanna bursts out. She grabs the bars and presses
     her face into the space between them. “We work around the clock to ensure this world
     functions, and you lock us in a tower.”
    I knew I liked her.
    “ And you live in beautiful homes, wear designer clothing, eat delicacies,” Cormac starts.
    “Not all of us are eager to be paraded around like peacocks.” She looks at me.
    That’s not fair. I’m dressed in tactical gear, for Arras’s sake.
    “And your plan to get these things that you deserve is to ignore your duties and terrify
     citizens?” Cormac asks.
    “We want you to listen to us.”
    “I am listening, and I hear what you’re saying,” Cormac says. “What you need to realize
     is that I don’t care . Your claims don’t absolve you of your crime.”
    Cormac has already labeled them as criminals. This can’t end well.
    “I’m sure the Spinsters are eager to remedy the situation,” Grady says, rubbing his
     hands together.
    “It doesn’t matter.” Cormac turns away and speaks quietly to Hannox, who nods gravely
     at commands I can’t hear.
    While Cormac talks to him, I wander over to the bars. Most of the girls look away
     from me, but Hanna faces me without blinking.
    “Come to stare at us so that you can feel superior?” she asks.
    I run my fingers over the cool steel between us. “I’ve spent time imprisoned by Cormac.”
    “And now you’re by his side. Clearly,

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