Unmarked: Sean's Story (Chosen #4)

Read Unmarked: Sean's Story (Chosen #4) for Free Online

Book: Read Unmarked: Sean's Story (Chosen #4) for Free Online
Authors: Alisa Mullen
the guys wasn’t going to happen as soon as I thought.

Chapter Five
    I watched Irish go back to her corner and basically crouch so that no one would show her any attention. That shit was about to change. I nodded slightly and got up to approach her. She immediately saw me stand and as I moved closer to her, her eyes widened so big that she almost looked like a beetle by the time I was in front of her. I used my best sexy smile as I approached her. That smile always worked with the ladies back in Newburyport.
    “Jesus, you’re hot,” she sputtered out in the sexiest Irish accent I had ever heard. Yeah, the boys were pretty cool to listen to, but put that mouth on this woman’s body and I nearly fell over in shock. Instead, I laughed. Hard . I noticed that she turned as red as a lobster and I contained my laugh with my hand.
    “Fuck, I can’t believe I just said that. My bloody…” she started.
    I waved her words off with a slight hand motion. “Thank you, Irish. You are incredibly adorable yourself.” I winked at her and took a pull off my beer.
    I looked around at the party and my eyes landed back down on hers.
    “Why are you just sitting here in the corner when there are dozens of people to talk to?” I questioned her with narrowed eyes.
    She shrugged. “Not much of a people person maybe. I’m Aoife,” she smiled and held out her delicate little hand.
    “Efa? I’m Sean,” I took her hand in both of mine so that I didn’t hurt her little fingers. “So that’s like Eva? But with an F?”
    Aoife rolled her eyes. “No. It’s not Eva with an F. It’s A-O-I-F-E.”
    As I looked up to the ceiling to put the letters in a row in my mind, I inadvertently let go of her hand and she sighed loudly.
    “A-O-I-F-E?” I asked incredulously. “The spelling sounds nothing like your name, Irish. It should be spelled E-F-A.”
    “Ye? And how do you spell Sean then?” she asked with a slight smile. I looked at her beautiful luscious lips and wondered what it would feel like if I licked them while they were closed.
    She snapped her fingers and I instantly came out of my dazed state of mind. What the mother fucking hell was that? I have never wondered what licking in between closed lips would feel like. Not even Lizzie’s lips.
    Oh God, Lizzie. It was at that moment that I heard her laugh and the pit in my stomach churned just a little more. Aoife must have been watching the entire scene. The one where I looked over at Lizzie, gave a longing, fucked up look, and then placed my hand over my stomach so I didn’t vomit from the pain of seeing her with Nick.
    “You’re in love with her, aren’t ya?” Aoife asked. My eyes darted to hers and I guess they said everything she needed to know. She slowly nodded her head.
    “I get it. I fancied my lecturer back at college but he was in love with his girlfriend. Not sure he even noticed I was there or even breathing most of the time.”
    “It hurts,” I croaked out.
    I was clearly out of my mind. Holy shit. I just told someone in the Lizzie and Nick’s home that I was dying from being in love with Lizzie O’Malley. I started to panic. I needed to escape and fast. I darted my eyes around the room. My eyes started to sting uncomfortably for some reason.  Some reason being one pretty red head that I would never have.
    All of these years – all of this time.
    All of these thoughts jumbled through my mind. I was in love with Lizzie O’Malley and I didn’t fight hard enough for her. I shouldn’t have gotten caught up in her laugh or rubbing her feet on the couch. I shouldn’t still be dreaming about her every night since she slept in my bed – which was over ten years ago.
    “Please don’t make a big deal about this,” I whispered to Aoife. “I shouldn’t have come tonight. I am going to say goodbye and head out.”
    Aoife nodded, looking down. “I don't tell other people’s secrets, regardless of how they spell their name, Sean.”
    Her quick

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