
Read Unknown for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Unknown for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
side of a central fireplace. ‘I want this doing in light pastel shades,' she said. ‘I think perhaps pale gold walls to represent sunlight, with ivory paintwork. We’ll have a huge mirror on the wall above the fireplace to reflect the light from the window—and a crystal chandelier.’ She looked down at the floor. ‘It’s a shame to cover these boards. We’ll have them polished until you can see your face in them, with a Persian carpet in the middle. And plenty of flowers,' she continued, ‘I’ll do those myself. Oh, I can just imagine it! ’
    Andy was watching her with admiration. ‘I can see why the gaffer said to leave everything to you. You certainly know what will suit the old place best.'
    Taryn’s enthusiasm was building up. Already she was forgetting her antagonism towards Luke. She wished he was here to discuss her plans, to guide her when she hesitated> perhaps argue over her choice. And then there was the question of money. How much did he wish her to spend? Had she a free hand in ordering the furniture and carpets? It would cost a small fortune to create a home out of this empty shell of a house.
    She smiled at Andy. ‘It’s easy when you’re spending someone else’s money. Is Mr Major very wealthy?’
    ‘He’s better off than most,’ he replied, ‘though not as rich as some,’ which answer told her precisely nothing.
    She tried again. ‘I believe he has his own business. Do you know what it is?’
    ‘Oh, yes,’ he nodded. ‘He owns a chain of hotels. Hence the “chopper” for getting from one to the other quickly.’
    Horror crossed her face. ‘He’s not thinking of turning this place into a ’
    Andy shook his head. ‘You need have no fears there. This is going to be his retreat. He has a flat in London and one in Edinburgh, but between you and me I think he’s feeling the strain and needs some quiet little backwater where he can forget all his worries.’
    Taryn smiled. ‘I wouldn’t call this small, but it’s certainly quiet. How did he find it?’
    ‘He pored over lists and lists before he came across this one,’ he said. ‘He made up his mind on the spot— and I can’t say I blame him; it’s an ideal position to get away from the hustle and bustle of town life.’
    As Andy appeared to be in an expansive mood, Taryn asked next, ‘Has Luke ever been to Italy?’
    ‘I expect so,’ confirmed the man. ‘He’s been nearly all over the world.’
    ‘I mean, has he ever spent any length of time there?’
    Andy shrugged. ‘He could have done. He does sometimes disappear abroad for a month or two, but he doesn’t confide in me. Why do you ask?’
    ‘I once saw someone who looked like him.’ Taryn tried to keep her voice casual, not wishing him to know the effect Luke Major had on her.
    ‘Ah—it’s said everyone has a double, though I suppose it’s possible you could have seen the gaffer. Have you asked him?’
    Taryn shook her head. ‘Not yet.’
    ‘Then I should. He’ll soon tell you if it was him.’ They moved then to the next room and in the excitement of creating beauty out of the grime and squalor of Dale End Taryn forgot for a while her disquieted thoughts. She even forgot about lunch, and it was after five before she returned to her aunt’s cottage, tired, hungry, more than a little dirty, yet for the first time in months genuinely happy.
    Gammy took one look at the girl’s face and smiled, a quietly satisfied smile, though wisely she said nothing. ‘I’ve run your bath,’ she said. ‘I saw you coming. Go and have a nice long soak while I get your tea.’
    It was much later in the evening before Taryn told her aunt that Luke was married.
    Gammy’s head shot up and she looked at Taryn sharply. ‘Are you sure? He said nothing to me, and we had quite a long chat the other day.’
    ‘Positive. Andy showed me a plan of the house. Luke had marked on it exactly which room he wanted for his wife.’
    Great-aunt Margaret passed a hand across her brow.

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