United (The United Trilogy Book 1)

Read United (The United Trilogy Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read United (The United Trilogy Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Jaci Wheeler
everything else.  I’ve never actually met a tracker before, but they are widely known and respected.  Theirs is a very hard job, one in which you can’t be married or have a family.
    Mr. Masters gets right down to business, “Out of your class, only two of you are being placed with the Ministry of Defense.  Bailey Landers will be training as a sentry and Tristan Knight will be training as a tracker.”
    A huge grin spreads across Tristan’s face.  My eyes meet Rae’s a few aisles down.  So this is why he wanted to go to University.  University is just what it sounds like: primarily academic.  However, if you join the Ministry of Defense, they have their own special academy that trains in hand-to-hand combat and other things I probably never want to know about.  I couldn’t picture Tristan doing anything academic.  But fighting?  Oh yes, they choose very well.  As Mr. Masters leaves the stage, others take his place and begin giving job placements to the laborers.  Not all labor jobs are that bad.  In fact, several of the jobs I could very easily see myself doing: nanny for one, where my sweet friend Sarah was placed.  Knowing that I wasn't going to be called because I didn't choose labor, I start to zone out a bit. 
    I steal a glance at Wes and can tell that he is silently counting the panes of glass; obviously he has checked out as well.  I have that eerie feeling of being watched and I know who it had to be.  Sure enough I look up straight into the eyes of that blonde again.  She still holds that confident air about her and now I see a slight haughtiness to her smile.  I keep hoping she would just give me some type of hint to put me out of my misery and then, as if she can read my mind, her lips lift in a half smirk.  I force myself to once again pay attention and I realize they are nearing the end of the job list.  The only jobs left now are ones I was fairly certain I couldn't fit.  I instantly started panicking!  What if I get stuck with a job that doesn't suit me?!Sensing my panic, Wes begins stroking my hand and he bends down to whisper in my ear, “It’s OK, Roz. Look, we are together.”
    He's right, he hasn’t been called yet either...but that makes sense.  He is brilliant and loves boring stuff. I, however, may be somewhat intelligent, but I would absolutely hate research and would drown trying to figure out medical school.  There is still agriculture left, which is most likely where I will be put. I’m not a huge fan, but I think I could learn to like it.  A woman who introduces herself as Camille Stevens steps up to the center and begins talking about the different types of jobs in agriculture.  I didn’t realize there were so many.  I guess it makes sense having to feed so many people. She has the longest list yet: six people. 
    She begins reading a list of names and saying their intended purposes when a familiar name catches my attention, but it wasn’t mine, “Rae Ingval will be placed in pharmaceutical horticulture.”
    Rae’s face is radiating excitement.  Huh, we’ve been friends forever and I would have never put her there, but obviously they know their stuff because she seems happy.  This pacifies me only a bit however. 
    Last is the medical field, which by far has the most break offs; there are literally hundreds of sub sections like healer, nurse or surgeon.  There are also all the behind-the-scenes researchers and developers, and all kinds of different positions I have never heard of.  This is exactly where Wes is going to be placed, I am just sure of it.  But me?! No way am I fit for this.  I decide to shoot the blonde a scathing look filled with confusion but she just quietly laughs and continues her maddening observation of me.
    Even though the medical field has the most positions, they are the most selective.  The science sector as a whole are pretty picky about who they take, but the medical field only takes one, maybe two, people a year and

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