Undying Hunger
Enrique,” he commanded.
    “You don’t get to tell me what to do,” she snapped.
    Markus’s eyes flashed a fiery red. “Listen to me. He’s dangerous. Do not seek him out,” he said, each word perfectly enunciated.
    “What is it you’re so afraid I’ll find out?”
    “That’s not what I’m worried about.”
    “Really? You could have fooled me.” What the hell was he keeping from her?
    “He was Marguerite’s former commander. The one before me. Let’s just say, we were rivals for her attention, and I won.” His brows lifted in amusement. “Enrique didn’t particularly like the outcome.”
    “What’s that got to do with me?”
    “I’m your sire. For that fact alone, he’d like nothing more than to take out one of my fledglings.”
    “ Uh-huh. ” She nodded. “That’s what all this is about…I’m your fledgling so he’d get his kicks from killing me?”
    “What more could there be?”
    “You’re such a damn liar,” she snarled. “We made a deal, you bastard. For some reason, you wiped my memories. I want them back.”
    “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” He sauntered away from her and leaned against the wall, crossing his ankles and going all Mr. Nonchalant and shit. “You should be heading upstairs. Dawn is coming soon.”
    She wasn’t buying what he was selling. Anger raced like hot lava in her veins, and her fangs slid into place. He’d played her. Markus had never intended to give her any answers. At least not the ones she wanted to hear.
    “Whatever happened in Marguerite’s lair didn’t wipe out weeks of my life from my mind. This had nothing to do with some kind of traumatic response.” She closed the distance between them. “You took them from me. And now it’s time to own up to what you did and fill in those blanks. You owe me!”
    Markus glared down at her. “I don’t owe you a damn thing.”
    “Tell me why you did this,” she bit out, her pulse throbbing at her temples. “What are you hiding?” she shouted and lunged at him with her fists. She couldn’t have stopped if she’d wanted to. God help her, she’d beat it out of him. Alex pounded into him, unloading a year’s worth of frustration onto his chest.
    Yet he wasn’t fighting back. Dammit. He wasn’t even trying to block her punches.
    “Damn you! At least hit me back!” Her vision narrowed, blurred, until all she could see was the white of his shirt. Everything inside her wanted to rip him apart. Hot streams of tears ran down her face, scalding her cheeks. She wanted to hurt him. Destroy him the way he’d destroyed her life. So why the hell was she the one crying?
    “Alex!” Large hands clamped onto her wrists from behind, stalling her blows. “Alex. What are you doing?”
    Dammit. Kenric.
    The male yanked her back and into his chest, surrounding her with his arms. “Christ! What the hell are you doing in here?” The Enclave’s commander spun her around to face him. “Alex.” He stared down at her, confusion narrowing his eyes into a frigid blue glare. “Talk to me.”
    Her chest heaved from her exertion, with her rage. “I wanted answers. And I know he’s holding out on me.”
    “So you felt the need to put yourself at risk and come inside his cell?”
    “I can handle myself,” she chewed out. “Besides…look at him.” She glanced over her shoulder at the male still propped against the wall. Markus nailed her with a sticks and stones kind of look. “What do you really think he can do to me in that state?”
    “Still.” Kenric moved her toward the door. “You shouldn’t be in here. He’s contained for a reason. Markus is dangerous. Unpredictable. You, of all people—”
    “I’m sorry,” she softly said. “It won’t happen again.”
    “You’re right. It won’t,” he said, his expression grim. “I should have never allowed you in here alone in the first place. Elle will want my head for giving you one-on-one time with him.”
    Kenric was right. She

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