Under the Dusty Sky (Holloway Farms)

Read Under the Dusty Sky (Holloway Farms) for Free Online

Book: Read Under the Dusty Sky (Holloway Farms) for Free Online
Authors: Allie Brennan
Tags: english eBooks
momentarily stabbed with jealousy that she can touch someone like that without caring who’s watching. I shake it off and pull my eyebrows together. One of them is going to get hurt. Love doesn’t last. So why am I jealous?
    No, it's best to keep it fun. To keep all that feeling stuff out. Then it doesn’t hurt when they lose their flavor.
    I catch Bentley smiling again. The illegal smile that steals my breath.
    I shake it off and focus on my plan. My plan that just got more interesting.
    Fixing my car. Bentley teaching me to drive stick.
    There are so many ways I could twist that.

    I bribed my brother with cleaning chickens if he came swimming the other day, and he’s cashing in the favor already. I’m mad about it until I find out Hunter’s taking Bentley around the farm today and giving him the boss routine. Hunter always did more work than me or the twins, and he always helped and inspected the work we did to make sure it was good.
    Hunter’s a perfectionist to the most annoying degree. I’m glaring at him while sweat pours off my face, and Bentley looks back and forth between us.
    “ Hunt, it’s a chicken coop.” I throw out my arms.
    “ What does that have to do with anything?” he asks.
    I can only grunt.
    Did I mention he’s stubborn? But so am I.
    “ It means it’s clean enough.”
    Hunter raises an eyebrow, and I grip the shovel tighter in my crap-covered leather gloves. Bentley still glances from Hunter to me.
    “ It’s not, Gracie, and you know it. I know you want to get ready for the Summer Kick-Off tonight.”
    My glare deepens, and I march up to my brother and slam the shovel handle against his chest. He lets out a puff of air and grabs the shovel before it falls.
    “ You’re right, Hunter. I do need to get ready for the dance. Thanks for reminding me. An’ if yer so gawd damn good at shovelin’ crap then by all means git at ‘er.”
    I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head. I push through the two boys and leave the coop.
    Stomping up the porch stairs, I rip open the front door to face Asher.
    “ What’s your problem, sis?”
    I shove past him without answering.
    “ Holy hell, Bug, you smell terrible.” He laughs and leaves the house, his sneakers hammering on the wooden steps.
    It takes me until after I’m done showering to figure out why I am so mad. I tug a comb through my thick hair and blame Hunter for leaving. He comes home for one weekend and just bosses me around.
    There’s a soft knock, and I don’t say anything. I have brothers. They do what they want no matter what I say.
    Hunter presses open the door and gives me a sheepish smile. I glare, but I can’t stop a small smirk from tugging at the corner of my mouth.
    I wave him in, and he closes the door behind him. Lowering himself to the floor beside me, he nudges my shoulder with his.
    “ You mad at me, Bug?”
    “ I’m always mad at you. You’re my brother.” My smile widens as he takes the comb from my hand and starts to work it through my hair. He used to brush my hair when I was little because I didn’t have a mother to do it. Hunter takes care of people. He takes care of my dad, the farm, Emma, the twins...me. Then he leaves. He does everything for all of us then leaves.
    Everyone leaves. That’s why I’m mad. It’s stupid, and I hate feeling this way, but I can’t shut it off. Hunter left.
    A sob gets stuck in my throat, and I push it back down. I breath in the hurt. It’s not worth it. I have my memories. Plastered on my bedroom walls are photos, ribbons, medals, all the memories. All perfect. All mine.
    “ I know what you’re thinking, Gracie, and it’s not true.” Hunter’s eyes pull at everything inside me I try to hide. He knows what I feel before I do. He’s the only one.
    That damn hippie girlfriend of his. No, it’s been like this forever.
    “ I don’t believe you,” I mumble, and he stops brushing my hair.
    “ I’m not leaving you. No one is leaving you. Mom

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