Under Construction
be. Six months when your
lease is up we can talk. If you want to stay there, we can talk about you
renting the place. It actually would
solve both of our problems. And, you couldn’t freeload off me. You’re family.
That’s not how it works,” Jameson said honestly.
lips had turned up into a genuine smile. “I’m happy for you,” she said.
you and Mom,” Michelle said. “Can I think about it?”
course,” Jameson said.
Jameson just nodded with a smile.
you two are!” Candace called. She walked up and picked up on the genuine
emotion between Jameson and her daughter. She raised a brow at the pair. “I
miss all the good stuff, don’t I?”
pulled Candace into her lap. “Is that really how you feel?” she flirted.
Michelle exclaimed in amusement. Candace kissed Jameson in response. “Get a
room,” Michelle laughed.
just jealous,” Jameson teased.
that is wrong on so many levels,” Michelle said with a shake of her head.
looked at Jameson inquisitively. “Assholes and railroad tracks,” Jameson
explained. Candace shook her head in confusion and then laid it on Jameson’s
shoulder. Jameson relaxed and held her lover close.
    “I need
another beer,” Michelle stated. “Anyone else?”
Jameson agreed, giving Candace a quick kiss.
rolled her eyes in amusement at her mother and Jameson. She looked back over
her shoulder and smiled at the pair. She’d never seen her mother so relaxed.
She hadn’t told Jameson the entire truth. Michelle wanted to be closer to home.
She wanted to be closer to her mother. She’d never been close to her father.
She’d always felt awkward around Candace’s former partner, Jessica. It was
different now. Michelle felt more at home than she could ever recall when she
was with her mother, Jameson, and Pearl. She was reeling from Lisa’s betrayal.
It had blown up just when Michelle was preparing to invite Lisa home to meet
her family. Now, it was her family that Michelle needed. She worried about
intruding on their life, but selfishly she felt she needed them both. Jameson
was; what was Jameson? A friend? She was that, but it was somehow different.
Michelle cared what Jameson thought almost as much as she worried about her
mother’s opinion. She shook off her musings. Jameson was too young to be a parental
figure. “Maybe another big sister,” Michelle thought. She looked back when she
heard her mother’s laugh and felt it fill her heart. “I hope I find that
someday,” she thought.”

    Jameson could hardly believe that
it was already Thursday. She was anxious to finish out the next two days in
Albany and get home. The Fourth of July was only a week away. Monday, Jonah was
due to arrive. Tuesday, her brother Toby and his wife Liz were expected to make their appearance with Jameson’s two
nephews. By Wednesday, all three of Candace’s children would be home, and then
on Thursday, Jameson’s parents planned on making the trip with her younger brother
and Jameson’s niece. Candace’s brother David and his brood, along with Dana, Steve, and their two children were also
expected to join them. Friday was the official barbecue ,
but the event itself was more like three days of unofficial festivities. Candace
thrived on being around people. Jameson was a bit more reserved in that manner.
She was praying that there would be no drama.
had been civil, even cordial bordering on kind to Jameson when they had met.
Jameson was certain that Candace’s oldest
child had reservations about her relationship with Candace. Jameson’s younger
brother had expressed concerns to her as well. While his reasoning to Jameson
was the constant distance between the pair, Jameson suspected it had more to do
with Candace’s political beliefs and public persona. Doug was two years

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