Under A Velvet Cloak
demand than ever. It seemed the men really liked having some small relationship along with the sex.
    “You’re really good,” Molly said. “You’re bringing extra business to the house. That means more for the rest of us, too.”
    That explained the grudging acceptance by the other girls. They realized that they were better off with Kerena participating than they would be without her.
    She made sure to invoke her non-baby spell each month. This had a convenient side effect: it suppressed her periods, so she was able to service men continuously. If the madam noticed, she did not object.
    “I’m in a hurry, but I had to see you,” one client told her. “How fast can you
    “Give me the lead and we’ll see.”
    “Stand where you are.” She opened his shirt and his trousers without removing either. She embraced him, pressing her bare breasts against his chest as she kissed him. His member came erect, and she guided it in and closed her thighs below it. She squeezed internally, applying a technique Morely had taught her. He erupted. When he was spent, she dismounted, used her hand to milk his member of remaining fluid, wiped him off, and put his clothing back together. It had taken perhaps two minutes.
    “You are amazing!” He departed, in good time for his business.
    Even the madam was surprised. “He paid for an hour, and demanded no refund,” she said.
    “I gave him what he asked for.”
    “I am going to give you to our most important client. He has special tastes, but if you can accommodate him, you will not regret it.”
    “I can accommodate him.”
    “We shall see.”
    “You’re getting Lord H!” Molly said. “He can make your fortune, but he’s a challenge.”
    “How so?”
    “He’s fine for the first fuck. It’s the second one that freaks the girls out. It’s always different, but weird. He’s never taken the same girl twice, and they don’t mind.”
    They talked, and Kerena began to get a glimmer of the problem, though Molly herself did not quite fathom it. She prepared herself emotionally.
    The man turned out to be portly, of middle age, and quite well dressed. The moment she approached him, Kerena’s Seeing flashed. This was a significant contact.
    He took her in the normal fashion, almost causing her to wonder why the madam had cautioned her. But Molly’s discussion kept her alert. They talked, remaining naked, and he was well read and intelligent, with opinions on many subjects. Kerena did not try to conceal her fascination.
    “You seem smart,” he remarked. “Are you literate?”
    “Oh, I wish I could read!” she exclaimed. “I know there is so much to learn from books.”
    “Perhaps it will come to pass.” He glanced at her with a certain hesitation. “There is an aspect of me that some women have difficulty adjusting to.”
    “You have aroused my curiosity.” Whatever it was, she would accommodate it, because she needed to be with him. Jolie agreed; the tracks remained aligned.
    “I like reversals.”
    “My apology, Lord X. I don’t think I understand.” But she was closer to understanding than she let on.
    “Call me Hirsh. I need no personal anonymity, as I do not work for the king.”
    “Thank you for giving me your name, Hirsh. I am Rena.”
    “I wish to exchange roles, for a time.”
    She acted perplexed. “Please explain this further.”
    “I would like to put on your clothing, and vice versa.”
    She was careful not to smile. “I think the fit would not be perfect.”
    “True. It is a temporary expedient.”
    “Then let’s do it.” She was curious where this would lead; Molly’s information had not gone beyond this point. Merely exchanging clothing should not freak out experienced whores.
    Hirsh donned her dress, which fit better than might have been expected, and she put on his fine clothing. When she set his hat on her head, he asked her to tuck her hair out of sight under it, to make her look more masculine. She obliged, then

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