Undead Rain (Book 3): Lightning (Fighting the Living Dead)

Read Undead Rain (Book 3): Lightning (Fighting the Living Dead) for Free Online

Book: Read Undead Rain (Book 3): Lightning (Fighting the Living Dead) for Free Online
Authors: Shaun Harbinger
Tags: Zombies
group thought was weird, and avoided. But I thought that a bond of friendship had been forged between Tanya, Jax, Sam, and myself. We had been through a lot together.
    And it was all very well for Tanya to be picking up an assault rifle and shooting me a dirt look but I was still right about the use of guns in the building. If we went in there all guns blazing, we wouldn’t last more than a few seconds. Every zombie and hybrid in the place would know our location, and it was only a matter of time before we ran out of bullets.
    Jax took a bat, a knife, and a Desert Eagle. She attached the knife and sidearm to her belt and then went to the other table to load her backpack with survival gear.
    Hart stood watching us with a grim expression on his face. We were the only chance he had of curing his wife, and he was probably thinking that the probability of us returning alive, and with the H1NZ1, was very low.
    “Is everyone ready?” he asked when we had all slung our backpacks over our shoulders.
    We nodded like a group of condemned prisoners about to face a firing squad.
    “Let’s go,” Hart said. He led us out of the hangar and across the asphalt, beneath the night sky, to the Chinook. He waved to the pilot, and the engines began to hum, the twin rotor blades spinning lazily at first, and then picking up speed until they chopped the air with the familiar droning sound that gave helicopters their nickname.
    The rear ramp descended, and we walked up it and into the cylindrical interior of the Chinook. A row of pull-down seats made of red canvas and metal poles lined the walls. I sat down and stowed my backpack by my feet. The helicopter was huge, allowing everyone to sit some distance from their neighbor, each of us lost in our own thoughts. Hart sat across from me, his eyes sad and weary. He probably didn’t hold much hope of our group returning alive with the chemical needed to save his wife.
    I was wondering if I was ever going to see Lucy again. If this mission went badly, and I died at Site Alpha Two, she would turn into a hybrid, and be killed. I would have failed her.
    Never in my life had I been so responsible for someone. Before everything had turned to shit, I had forced myself to go to my dead-end job during the week and spent the weekends zoning out on video games. The most responsibility I’d had was to my teammates during online-gaming sessions. At that time, Lucy Hoffmeister had been nothing more than a faraway dream, a fantasy.
    Now, I held her life in my hands. The old Alex would have balked at such a thing, preferring to lose himself in a world that wasn’t real. Now, the real world had hit me square in the face, and it had changed me forever.
    The Chinook lifted straight up into the air, making my stomach lurch. Then we flew over the sea toward the mainland, leaving Apocalypse Island behind.

Chapter Eight
    W e descended after a silent , thirty-minute flight. It was noisy inside the belly of the Chinook, but nobody even tried to make conversation over the constant hum of the engines. Tanya sat studying her maps while the rest of us simply sat staring at the walls.
    When we touched down, the rear of the helicopter opened, revealing a grassy field beneath the stars. The night was clear and dry, the moon bright and almost full, splashing the field with silver moonlight. It was a good night for zombies.
    “Come on, people,” Hart said, “let’s move.” He made sweeping motions with his hands, ushering us off the chopper and out into the night. As I was about to step onto the ramp, he grabbed my shoulder and looked into my eyes earnestly. “See you in a couple of days, Alex. Don’t let Kate and Lucy down.”
    “I won’t,” I said, sounding more confident than I felt.
    He nodded, and then disappeared back into the helicopter. I walked down the ramp and into the long grass.
    “We need to leave this area now,” Tanya said, adjusting her backpack before marching away across the field toward a low stone

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