Undead L.A. 2

Read Undead L.A. 2 for Free Online

Book: Read Undead L.A. 2 for Free Online
Authors: Devan Sagliani
Tags: Horror
whatever happened she was sure she didn't want those men coming up, that anything happening to Jamal meant reliving what had happened at the river many times over. She'd rather die than become their sex toy.
    “Jacob,” his friend hissed at him, but Jacob talked right over him.
    “Shut up, Fred. I got this.”
    “Listen to your friend, Jacob,” Jamal counseled.
    “Throw down the ladder,” Jacob commanded. “You have to the count of five or we open fire.”
    “You ain't got the balls,” Jamal yelled back. “You said it yourself. Them things will come inside if you start shooting. What you goin’ do then?”
    “This is an AR-15,” Jacob shouted back. “We've all got 'em. We'll take our chances. You on the other hand, will be fucked. You hear me? FUCKED! With a Capital F! Now stop stalling and THROW DOWN THAT LADDER!”
    “Give me a minute,” Jamal yelled, sliding back away from the ledge and towards Diora.  
    “Make it fucking fast,” Jacob hollered. “We don't have all night. I promised my guys we'd have them back in camp before the sun came up.”
    “What are you going to do?” Diora whispered.
    “We can't let them up,” Jamal said softly, cupping his hands to her ears so his voice wouldn't travel. “They kill us both if we let them up.”
    “Can we wait them out?”
    Jamal looked like he was considering her suggestion for a minute, then shook his head.
    “No, baby,” he said. “They ain't gonna leave now that they know we here. Plus they start shooting at the floor and they likely to blow a hole through us anyway for all we know. We only gonna get one chance at this. I want you to go sit over there as far away from this as you can. Don't make a sound, you hear?”
    “What did you take?”
    “Nuthin,” Jamal said, looking away. “Just some supplies and a book with some writing in it. They trippin' is all. You trust me?”
    Diora nodded her reply. Jamal kissed her softly on the head.
    “That's a good girl. Now go.”
    She got up and scampered as quickly as she could to the far corner of the room. She slunk down to the floor, her back touching the sides of both walls, her arms hugging her knees tight into her chest.  
    “Okay now,” Jamal said pleasantly. “I'm gonna throw down the ladder. Go ahead and step back so it don't hit you.”
    “Don't even think about trying anything,” Jacob warned, but before he could finish the sentence Jamal sprang to the edge of the landing and began firing at their unwelcome guests. Diora clapped her hands over her ears and screamed as the rapid sound of gunfire rang out in the hollow, empty room. Flashes of light drove shadows across the walls. Fred screamed at the top of his lungs, but fell silent as Jamal pulled the trigger again and again until the gun was empty. As quickly as it started it was over.
    “You shot me, you fucking nigger piece of shit!” Jacob cried out.  
    “That's right, bitch,” Jamal shouted. “What you gonna do now? Ain't no Cedar Sinai coming to save your lily white ass neither. Go ahead an’ try to call 911, you racist asshole. You best hope you bleed to death before them things get in here and chew yo ass up!”
    Diora stood up and started moving slowly back towards Jamal. He turned to her, a victorious smile on his face.  
    “I told you I take care of you, baby,” he said. “I always take care of you.”
    A clipped burst of gunfire rang out once more, and Jamal's body danced like a toy on a string as the bullets pierced through him. He reached for Diora, but it was too late. He was already falling backward. By the time she got to where he was standing he'd already thudded down on top of Jacob; his lifeless, bullet riddled corpse trapping the injured man beneath. Diora could hear the low moaning of the creatures as they moved in, drawn by the sound and the smell of blood in the air. Seconds later a dozen or more of them came shuffling in, their clothes torn and caked with dried blood, their decomposing bodies giving off

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