were going with this.
    “But there was a problem,” Lukas said. “Since no one knew the identities of the Illuminati members, they were impossible to stop. So the Legion turned to a grimoire.”
    “A what?”
    He watched me for a moment before answering. “Grimoires are texts that provide instructions for communicatingwith angels… or summoning and commanding demons. The Legion used one to call Andras.”
    Angels? Summoning demons?
    I stared back at him, speechless.
    Lukas walked over to the empty cabinets and rummaged around, unearthing a forgotten coffee mug. He filled it with water from the faucet and handed it to me. “I know all this might sound unbelievable—”
    “You think it
sound unbelievable?” I stood up and leaned against the refrigerator behind me, the bite of cold metal spreading up my back. “Which part? The fact that demons exist or that one’s trying to kill me?”
    “When you say it like that, it does sound kind of stupid,” Lukas said. “But it’s still true.”
    Before I had a chance to respond, the radio on the counter switched on. The dial turned and the needle moved across the stations, snippets of voices and songs distorting into a single progression.
    “There’s a storm warning—”
    “—electrical storms tearing across the sky—”
    “—three deaths reported—”
    “—killed tragically—”
    “—looking for salvation—”
    Finally, it stopped on an Alice in Chains track, a single line repeating slowly over the crackle of static.
    “Ain’t found a way to kill me yet—”
    The cord dangled from the counter.
    “Ain’t found a way to kill me yet—”
    Lukas reached out his hand, urging me toward him. “Kennedy—”
    The wooden cabinets began to rattle, and the faucet turned itself on full blast. Steam rose from the sink. Jared shouted something, but I couldn’t hear anything except the ominous message repeating over and over.
    “Ain’t found a way to kill me yet—”
    Something metallic glinted in my peripheral vision. A knife block sat next to the stove, directly across from the kitchen doorway. I hadn’t bothered to pack it because it weighed a ton.
    The black handles of the knives were still secure in their slots. Except for one.
    A steak knife hovered above the counter. It turned slowly until the blade faced Lukas. For a moment, it didn’t move.
    “Ain’t found a way to kill me yet—”
    The knife tore through the air.
    “Lukas!” I screamed.
    He pivoted as the blade hit the doorframe, catching the edge of his jacket.
    Another knife slid out, the serrated edge skimming the wood as it pulled free.
    Jared ran toward me. “Move!”
    “Ain’t found a way to kill me yet—”
    The garbage disposal whirred to life, spraying hot waterfrom the sink all over the room. I shielded my face with one arm and reached out for Jared blindly with the other.
    The second knife landed next to me, with the clipped sound of metal against metal as it hit the fridge.
    Someone grabbed me around the waist and hauled me out of the kitchen. I wiped my eyes, hot water trailing down my neck. I caught a glimpse of his army jacket and realized it was Jared. He was soaked, water running down his face, a single-minded focus propelling him forward. Jared’s hand locked on my hip, his fingers pressed against me, as if nothing could break that hold.
    Lukas was at the front door, yanking on the handle. “It won’t open.”
    I glanced through the kitchen doorway. The remaining ten knives drew themselves from the block one by one and lined up in the air.
    There was no way we could dodge that many.
    “Get out of the way.” Jared released me and pushed his brother aside. He pulled the duct tape-covered gun out of his jacket and fired three shots at the base of the door. Steam poured from holes where the salt rounds gouged the wood.
    He looked at Lukas, who was already backing up. “We have to break it down.”
    Jared and Lukas charged the door. Their shoulders

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