Unbind My Heart

Read Unbind My Heart for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Unbind My Heart for Free Online
Authors: Maddie Taylor
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, BDSM
who’s behind this, if you’d rather.”
    “How long do you think that would be?”
    “I won’t lie, this has been going on for a while and all our leads have been dead ends.  It’s been months already, and I have no idea how long it might be before we make an ID.”
    “I won’t lie either, Jonas.  I’m disappointed.  I was looking forward to tonight and hoping to get to know you better.”
    “I can add security here and assign a man to you.”
    “Like a bodyguard?”
    “Yes, and security alarms, motion sensors and surveillance cameras at your doors.”
    “What do you think?  Can you keep me safe?”
    “That depends.  How are you at following orders?”
    She laughed.  “I’m a nurse, Jonas.  That’s what we do.  Of course, since I’ve become a nurse practitioner, I get to give the orders.  I still have to answer to a supervising physician, though, so I think I’m okay with it.”
    “Good, because your safety depends upon following mine and those of any security team member assigned to you.  We have had some problems with some of our charges going OFP and slipping our security systems.  It has made it more difficult.”
    “What’s OFP?”
    “Sorry…  Army talk for going off mission, on your own plan and not telling anyone what you’re doing.”
    “Own F’ing Plan?  I get it.”
    “What’s your answer, Lexie?  I’m letting you make the call on this.  If you choose to wait, I will totally understand.”
    “Let me see if I’m clear on this.  There have been some threats, vague in nature.  This has been going on for a while.  You haven’t received any personally and none of the others mentioned you specifically.  Do they want something or are they just harassing?”
    “Revenge was mentioned.”
    “Hm…  Interesting.  You think it’s Rossi-related, but maybe it’s more about The Club.  Maybe it’s some women’s rights group using unconventional methods.  Or, it could be some nut job who was denied membership.”
    He smiled at her reasoning, another thing to like about her.  She was sharp. 
    “It could be Rossi- or Special Forces-related, or any one of your theories or some random whack job who has targeted us.  That’s the problem; we don’t know and can’t lock it down one hundred percent.”
    He paused, giving her a moment to consider her options, before asking her again.  “I need an answer, Lexie.  Do you want to go on, or wait?”
    “I think we planned a date that I have been looking forward to all week, and we need to get going before we miss our reservation.”
    “You’re sure?”
    “About the risk?—no.  I am sure that I’d like to spend some time with you, Jonas.”
    Smiling, he pulled her close for a quick hug.  “I was hoping you would feel that way.  We’re either being incredibly brave or unbelievably stupid.  Admittedly, I’m being selfish here.  If I was making a recommendation to someone else, I’d say to put things on hold, but I don’t want to.  I really wanted to see where we could go with this.”
    “I promise to follow your rules, Jonas.”
    “I’m going to hold you to it.  I’m interested in more than just dating, Lexie.  I’d like to pursue a D/s relationship with you.  Do you understand what that means?”
    “In theory, I do.  I’ve never been a submissive before.”
    “I know, Lexie, and if things progress as I’d like, we’ll talk a lot more about that.  For now, I want to start out slowly.  Get to know each other and let the rest come when you’re ready.  How does that sound?”
    “To be honest, it’s surprising, shocking even and not what I’ve come to expect from the men I’ve dated.  It’s refreshing that sex isn’t the first thing on your mind.  Who are you, Jonas Mitchell?  Are you for real?”
    Chuckling, he warned, “Don’t put me on a pedestal just yet.  I have urges just like the next guy.  I’m a thirty-four-year-old man, not a horny teen, so I like to think I possess some

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