Unbearable (the TORQUED trilogy Book 2)

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Book: Read Unbearable (the TORQUED trilogy Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Shey Stahl
Tags: General Fiction
attached. Tyler specifically said, no falling in love with me. I laughed in his face at that one but it’s proven to be the hardest one yet.
    And there you have it. Simple right?
    Nope. Not even close. I’m a fucking girl. Telling us not to fall in love is like provoking us to fall in love.
    “If I ask you something, will you be honest with me?” I ask when he’s awake an hour later.
    His body tenses and he nods, probably wondering where the fuck I’m going with this.
    “Do you think we should stop?” My voice is plagued with fear as I await his words, his potential rejection.
    His eyes cut to mine, a sideways glance. He’s silent, but I can feel his resistance like a prick on my chest. My question throws him for a loop. He just sits there blinking, considering me for several silent moments. Does he think I want to go away this fall and not know where we stand?
    He sighs heavily and sits up against the headboard.
    Am I an idiot to think it’ll work out?
    And then I am left with where I am now. Staring at Tyler wondering how the hell I let myself get caught up in something a big part of me knew could only lead to heartache.
    I mean, as much as I never want to admit this next part, you can never truly start out as fuck buddies. I’ve seen enough romantic comedies to know it never works out in the end for the girl. It’s because our girly hormones get involved from the start and we think we can make them feel something more than sex.
    “How does this end, Tyler?”
    His brow raises, as if he doesn’t understand what I’m asking, or maybe why. “What do you mean?” There’s emptiness in his voice, the hesitation so obviously written on his face, answers the question for me.
    “How did you see this ending? Because it’s pretty obvious I’m going to get hurt.”
    “Don’t say that.” He scrubs his hands down his face, blowing out a long breath. “We both knew what this was.”
    It’s not like what he is saying isn’t true. I mean, it wasn’t like we didn’t discuss what we were getting into. Hell, he even told me not to fall in love with him, but still. “Yeah, I did.” I sit with my legs folded under me to look at him. “But I’m also a girl and our emotions and feelings sometimes take on a life of their own. In the end, every girl hopes for more.”
    “Well, fuck.” He throws his arms up in frustration, moving to stand beside the bed. “How the hell am I supposed to know that? I’m not a damn mind reader. Just tell me what you want from me!”
    I draw in a breath, one that comes from deep within and offers no relief. “You know, for six months I’ve been playing by the rules, putting on a show in front of my brother, your friends, work, all that, but I’m tired of pretending. Tell me where we stand.”
    I feel bad pushing him. I don’t want what we have to end and I don’t think Ty does either, but I still need an answer. Hurting me is the last thing he wants but the reality is when sex gets involved, someone always gets hurt.
    Honestly, I really don’t know what’s holding him back. Maybe it’s the six-year age difference.
    Maybe Holden is right and I’m too controlling and I’m coming across as needy. Or maybe it’s Tyler just being too stubborn to see the possibilities.
    Why? Why isn’t it as obvious to him as it is to me that we have something that could be more, so much more. All I want is for him to be open to the possibility that this has become more than what we intended when we made our agreement. That maybe, just maybe, this could be love. One sided? Most likely. But love just the same.
    And now I sound like a cheesy version of a Dirty Dancing song.
    Staring at Tyler, it’s clear he has no idea how much anxiety beats in my chest and how every word we haven’t said these last six months took pieces of me.
    In a huffed breath, he lets out a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head, unable to say anything more.
    My legs start shaking. Breathing too fast, the action too

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