Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2
trying to get up out of the chair with the baby to hover over him.
    “Stay seated, Pickles. I’ll take care of it.”
    “Pickles?” Clay repeated with a shake of his head and a hint of a smile. “The fact that you still call her that this many months later cracks me up.”
    “Dude.” Campbell grabbed a paper towel and got it wet out of a side bathroom sink to clean up his hand. “You weren’t around when she was having all of her god-awful pregnancy chick cravings. It damaged me. I should have been put on worker’s comp for that stint with her.” Campbell shuddered, only playing up his unease a tiny bit for theatrical purposes.
    “And you’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
    “Not on your life.”
    Clay pondered something. “Any idea how many people were in the vehicle?”
    “One? Twenty? No clue. It all happened so fast I didn’t have any time to recon, only time to react.”
    “Are you hurt anywhere else?” Angela asked, giving him a visual once-over. From anyone else he’d have thought it was sexual. Not from Angela. From her it was strictly platonic. She might as well have been his sister for how she reacted to him. And how he reacted to her as well. There was just nothing going on below the equator when it came to her. But maybe it was something to do with Clay being like a brother to him. And he would never overstep his friendship with Clay. Not ever. He owed him too much for anything like that to threaten their relationship both personal and professional. They owned C&C Security half and half.
    “No, I’m fine. Promise,” he tacked on when she acted as if she didn’t believe him for a heartbeat.
    Nothing from her. For her? Just nothing.
    But Natalie?
    Oh hell.
    His cock jerked as if someone had shaken him awake.
    Why, Natalie?
    “What do you mean, why?” Clay asked. “She’s your new client.”
    “Not what I meant, but I understand she’s the new client.” Campbell had no idea he’d said it out loud. He really needed to get laid. Or sleep. Or a combination of the two. The first hopefully with a buddy, and the second one most decidedly alone.
    Only way he could sleep. Spread out all over the bed with his own covers and totally commando.
    “And this is personal now. Some asshole is trying to hurt one of ours and I’ll be…darned if they’re going to hurt her on my watch.”
    “Oorah, brother.” Clay held his fist out and Campbell gladly bumped it.
    When the hell he’d figured out he was taking the detail of someone he didn’t like he wasn’t certain. His dick jumped. Rolling his eyes at his own cock probably wasn’t the sanest thing he’d done that day but whatever.
    Guess he was running with it.
    Glancing at his watch again, he needed something to distract himself from the fact Natalie’d been in with the detective way too long. Much shorter than most interviews but that was beside the point.
    Nothing like the present to gather some clues on what he was protecting her from. And nothing like a close friend focused on a baby to give him some of that info. Angela could tell him…
    She was giving Clay some uber know-it-all look and inclining her head at— me!
    “Oh, no no no, missy. Get that I-am-cupid look off your face. This is a job and that’s it.”
    “That’s what they all say, brother.” Clay at least had the common decency to look a bit sad about it with a shake of his head.
    A growl threatened to rumble through the room but he kept it in check. Barely.
    “How did you two meet, Angela? And any other info about her that could help me narrow down who I’m looking for?”
    “I met her through the clinic so many years ago when I was pregnant with the baby I lost.” Clay touched her shoulder and squeezed. Angela reached up and patted his hand and nuzzled it with her cheek.
    The last thing Campbell wanted to do was rehash private shit but he needed to know where to start digging. “The same clinic she owns now?”
    “Yes, but it’s in a new

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