Twisted Mercy (Red Team Book 4)
for his friend. He lifted his futon seat and put it back in place as a sofa, sheets and all, then sat down.  
    “Tell me I don’t have to feed you,” he growled, his voice rough with sleep.
    “You don’t.” Greer sat in a side chair.
    “Good. ’Cause I got nothing.” He looked at his friend, catching his somber mood. “S’up?”
    “I checked out the girl. You aren’t gonna like it.”
    Max said nothing, just waited for Greer to spit it out.  
    “Hope Nelson was in fact a wrench out of Michigan,” Greer began.
    “Was?” Max interrupted.
    “She had two brothers,” Greer continued without explaining the past tense. “One died in the first Gulf War. The other died of cancer five years ago. Hope did work in a chop shop in Detroit. It was under investigation at the time she wrecked her bike three years ago.” He looked at Max. “She was forty-five when she died.”
    “So who’s the girl, then? And who helped her build her false identity? It’s too well done to come from an amateur.” Max looked out the window at the girl’s tent that was set up next to her truck. What the fuck was she up to? He remembered her resistance to his edict that she camp at his place when he'd retrieved her a few hours ago. The look she’d had in those big doe eyes of hers slipped into his mind.  
    “I’m still trying to figure out who she is,” Greer said. “Working on a facial-recognition search now. It would be easier if we had some DNA or fingerprints.”
    “I’ll see what I can do.” He looked at Greer. “Is she a Fed?”
    “No. Owen checked with Loco Lobo and his other sources. None claim her. Kit wants you to move forward with mapping the silos and tunnels, but keep your distance from the girl until we know more.”
    Max nodded. Could she be after the same thing he was—the entrance to the old missile silo complex? What did King have down there? Whatever it was, Max was determined to get a head start on her; he’d keep her here at night while he did his exploring. At least until the wrench’s house was made habitable. He had a few days, a week at the most, to get into that silo without her interference.
    “What’ve you learned from their network?” he asked, changing the subject.
    “I’ve injected some code to crawl their server. Should have some info soon. Kit wants you to come in tomorrow for a briefing.”  
    “I’ll be there. So is Kit really tying the knot with Ivy?” he asked, switching the subject again.
    “Yeah, he is.” Greer had a shit-eating grin on his face.
    Max felt himself smiling in response. “How’s Owen handling that?” The owner of Tremaine Industries, their employer, wasn’t known for his sense of humor…or his patience.
    “What? You think the girls running down the halls between rooms, giggling at all hours, plotting God knows what would bug him? And why wouldn’t he be cool with Val ditching work to take them shopping? Or with Kelan insisting on escorting Fiona on the shopping trip since Val’s going to be there?” Greer smiled. “The Big O hasn’t hit his melting point, but it’s gotta be close.”
    Max laughed. “Damn. And I’ll be here when he blows. I miss everything .”
    Greer laughed. “No worries. You know I’ll record it.”
    Max laughed too. “Feel like going spelunking? I gotta get into that silo before the girl settles in at the house.” He opened the closet and pulled on a black T-shirt, then started to gear up, covering his weapons with his club vest.  
    Greer grinned. “Sure. Rocco has watch at the house. Fucker doesn’t sleep anyway. You got an idea where it is?”
    “Maybe. Angel did some analysis, said there are access doors to the missile complex under the bunkhouse where Holbrook’s boys are, under the warehouse, which the guys have seen. It’s too visible a place for us to use. And the last is under the old mechanic’s shop—where Hope’ll be moving into. There’s a grease pit in there. It’s the only place it can be, unless

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