TWIN PASSIONS: (A Logan Brothers Novel)
found the exact same information online, but I didn't care. Even
though it was outside of work hours, it felt so much more gratifying
talking to people and gathering the information face to face. I
actually felt like a real journalist.
    By the time I was ready to go
home it was beginning to get late and quiet on the gym floor. Only a
few stragglers remained, pumping iron and lumbering along on
treadmills. I walked off down the corridor back towards the entrance,
passing by a studio as I went.
    A flurry of quick movement
caught my eye through the thin glass window and I stopped suddenly,
intrigued. Inside was a young man, his hair darkened with sweat,
launching his fists ferociously at a punching bag. He ducked and
swerved to the left and right, dancing around the bag and sending it
flying this way and that.
    He looked to be about 6 feet
tall, his body shining with perspiration. He wore only shorts, every
muscle on his abs so defined as he twisted and turned. His arms moved
fast, his punches like lightning, his eyes set on the bag, never
looking away.
    Then, suddenly, he saw me, his
eyes darting up towards the door and through the window. I
instinctively stepped to one side, as if caught spying. I guess
that's exactly what I had been doing.
    I made a move to carry on down
the corridor towards the exit, walking quickly away. I felt
embarrassed to have been caught ogling him like that. I mean, that
wasn't what I was usually like. Before I could go ten feet, however,
I heard the door open fast and a voice from behind.
    “ Like what you saw did you?”
the man spoke, his tone teasing.
    I turned around and my heart
leapt from inside my body. The guy was the spitting image of a boy I
once knew, only older. My best friend when I was younger, the boy
who'd given me my first kiss.
    “ Umm,” I mumbled, not quite
knowing what to say.
    He walked forwards towards me,
his body glistening. “I'm only joking,” he said, holding out his
hand. “My name's Cade. I haven't seen you down here before.”
    I gathered my words, still
struck by his similarity with Zack.
    Zack...I haven't though about
him properly in years.
    “ Er yeah, I'm just here on
    “ Assignment?”
    I nodded. “I work for Us
and Them know, the lifestyle magazine. Just been talking to
a few personal trainers for a piece about weight loss.”
    He looked me quickly up and
down. “Really. So you're a journalist?”
    “ I guess so,” I said,
smiling. I liked the sound of it, but my job could hardly be called
journalism right now.
    “ That was impressive in there,
do you box professionally?” I continued, moving the subject quickly
    He nodded slowly, “I'm getting
there,” he said with an air of confidence. “Just looking for my
shot at the big time.”
    Aren't we all.
    I couldn't keep my eyes off his
face. He was so much like Zack it was unreal. Those rare green eyes,
the shape of his face, even the sound of his voice. I must have been
looking at him like I'd seen a ghost or something.
    But then, of course, Zack did
have brothers. He told me he had several of them, actually, and that
they all had a similar look to them. Maybe this was one of them.
    “ So are you going to tell me
your name?” he asked as I stared on.
    “ Oh, it's Gemma.”
    “ Well it's great to meet you
Gemma. Maybe you should come down here more often...not that you need
to workout or lose weight or anything.”
    His eyes shot up and down my
body again.
    “ No, you don't need any work
at all.”
    I might have thought his words
were sleazy but for the charm with which he delivered them.
    “ Thanks, that's good to know.”
    My mind continued to swim. I
wanted to flat out ask him if he was Zack's brother but something
held me back. I chose a different track.
    “ This is gonna sound weird, but
you look familiar. Do you have any brothers?” I asked casually.
    “ Um, yeah I've got four
actually. Crash and Kyle are older and Jude's younger.”
    OK, that's

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