Twilight: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 3

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Book: Read Twilight: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 3 for Free Online
Authors: Ally Blue
the fucking.” The
second he said it, Sam winced. No way was Dean going
to let that go without comment.
Sure enough, Dean’s jaw dropped open and he
stared at Sam as if he’d sprouted a few extra limbs.
“What? You mean to tell me Bo hasn’t bottomed for you
Sam hunched his shoulders. His cheeks burned.
“Well, no. But not everyone bottoms. You know that.” “Yeah, I know, but…” Dean pursed his lips and
plucked at the zipper of his bright yellow jacket. “I
know for a fact that you like to top, at least sometimes. It’s been, what, a couple of months now. I just think he
should’ve let you fuck him by now.”
“He’ll let me know when he’s ready,” Sam
snapped, sounding harsher than he’d intended. “I’m not
going to push him.”
“I’m not saying you should.” Dean glanced at him
from under the blond-streaked fringe veiling his eyes.
“Sorry, Sam. I didn’t mean to upset you. You know me,
always shoving my foot in my mouth.”
Feeling contrite now, Sam laid a hand on Dean’s
shoulder. “And you know me, always getting defensive
for no reason. Sorry.”
They smiled at each other, and Sam felt better. At
one time, not so long ago, he’d wished he could love
Dean, because it would be so much easier than loving
Bo. Now, with the perspective of time, Sam was glad he
and Dean had been able to remain friends in spite of everything that had happened between them. He treasured Dean’s friendship every bit as much as he
treasured Bo’s love.
From the curve of the trail ahead, Bo turned and
called to them. “Y’all okay back there?”
“Translation: hurry the fuck up,” Dean muttered. “We’re fine,” Sam answered, biting back laughter.
“Just stopped to take a picture.”
“Well, come on. We have a long way to go.” Bo’s
words were short, but his tone was mild, and Sam saw
the indulgent shine in his eyes.
Sam smiled, warmth washing through him as it
always did when he looked at his lover. “We’re
Settling his heavy pack more firmly on his
shoulders, Sam picked up his pace. Soon enough, he and Dean caught up with Bo and Lex, and the four of them struck out for the top of the mountain.
    The hike to Sunset Lodge took just over four hours. The trail grew narrower and steeper the closer they got to the top. It wound back and forth like a rocky ribbon across the face of the mountain. Dean stopped every time the trees opened up to take pictures of the breathtaking view. Below them, patches of fog shrouded the leafless forest. Ahead, a ridge of rock and broken firs grew closer with every step.
    Dean let out a whoop when they rounded a huge shoulder of stone and the rugged path leveled out into a wide lane strewn with wood chips. “Oh my God, I thought that hike was gonna kill me. Lex, please tell me we’re there.”
    Laughing, she dropped back to walk beside him. “Yes, Dean, we’re here. The Lodge office is just up the path.”
    “Excellent.” Thumbing on the camera hanging around his neck, Dean began flipping through the pictures he’d taken. “I got some great shots on the way up, though. That’s a hell of a view from the trail.”
    “Wait till you see the view from Sunset Rock.” Lex patted Dean’s shoulder, then strode forward. “Come on, not far now.”
    As they walked, Bo drifted back to Sam’s side. “That was quite a hike,” he said, smiling at Sam. “Probably nothing to you, though, as much running as you do.”
    “Yeah, but I try to avoid running five miles up steep, rocky mountains. I have a feeling I’m going to be sore later.”
    “I can promise you will be,” Bo said, with an evil grin.
Sam let out a yip of surprise when Bo grabbed his ass and squeezed. He turned to Bo, intent on teasing, and frowned when he noticed Bo favoring his right leg. That leg still bore scars from poisoned needle teeth and emergency surgery.
“Bo, is your leg bothering you?” Sam murmured.
Bo grimaced. “It hurts, yes. But it’s not that bad. I’m sure it’ll

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