Twice Driven
moaning, whimpering Joe lying in the dirty. I whirled on him, practically snarling. “I’m going to kill this motherfucker right here and right fucking now.”

    Connor nodded. “You and me both, bud.”

    Suddenly, there was a hand on my arm, and I turned back, my flared temper instantly cooling as I looked into Abby’s eyes. She had another hand on Connor’s arm, and she was shaking her head quickly.

    “No, please.”

    I frowned. “You want us to spare this piece of shit?”

    Connor swore. “You can’t expect us to do that after what he’s done to you - after he’s hurt you like that,” he snarled, nodding at the red mark on the side of her cheek.  

    But Abby shook her head again. “I- I can’t have that on me.”

    “It’s, not, honey, it’s on us,” I muttered.

    Her eyes darted to mine, and I fuckin’ melted right there. “It is on me.” She took a trembling sigh. “Look, for me , please no killing.”

    “How about paralyzation?” I smirked as I glanced at Connor, seeing his grin.  

    Abby shot him a look before she grinned. “Connor-”

    “Fine,” he muttered.

    Suddenly, I laughed. “Fuck, I’ve got an idea.” I turned to them. “We let him walk away from this, it’s never going to end.” I turned and kicked dirt at Joe. “Who else knows about you hiring us.”

    “Fuck you!” He spat.

    Connor marched over and stuck his heel into Joe’s gunshot wound, making the wormy man scream out. “Wrong fuckin’ answer.”

    “No one!” Joe cried out. “No one, okay? I wasn’t gonna tell anyone that this bitch ran out on me, are you kidding?”

    I grinned. “Perfect.”

    Abby frowned as she saw me pull my burner cellphone out. “Wait, what are you doing?”

    “Fixing this,” I said, my eyes meeting hers before darting to Connor and nodding.


    If there’s one thing I’ve picked up in the outlaw life, it’s this: understand what leverage is. Leverage is having a video of a guy cheating on his wife with a dude in   bar bathroom, or photocopies of bank transactions between public and private funds.  

    Or, leverage is serving up a Goddamn mob lieutenant on a silver platter to the local sheriff. A sheriff who’s up for re-election soon, and maybe one who’s after you and your best bud on some trumped up bullshit gun charges. Understand leverage, and you’ll always understand the game.

    Sherif Watts was all too happy to play ball.

    I felt Abby’s hands slide around my waist, my cock throbbing in my pants just feeling her press against me on the bike.

    I smirked at the bound and gagged Joe, tied to his car bumper, and then glanced at Connor and nodded. “You ready?”

    “Let’s roll.”

    “Ready babe?” I turned my head around to look at Abby as I gunned the engine.

    “ Take me away from here,” she whispered as the bikes roared out onto the open road.

Chapter 8

    The throbbing, rumbling vibration of the motor between my legs always got me a little hard. But it was watching Abby up ahead of me, her jean shorts pulled tight and   her tanned bare legs straggled Jackson’s bike that had me hard as steel. If it was any other guy up ahead of me that she had her arms around and her face pressed against, I’d be out of my mind with rage. But this was Jacks - my brother from another mother, my other half. Shit, watching the girl I couldn’t stop thinking about all wrapped around him was actually kind of hot.

    We’d shared plenty of girls before, but I knew this one was way different. Abby was in deep in both of us, and sure, I knew Jackson well enough to know he wanted to fuck the hell out of her as bad as I did. But it was more than that.

    She looked fucking happy up there on the bike - the wind whipping through her long hair and teasing up her bare thighs. She grinned against Jackson’s shoulder, her arms gripping him tighter as she let herself be carried along by the vibrations I knew were probably rumbling through her core and we

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