Tuesday The Rabbi Saw Red

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Book: Read Tuesday The Rabbi Saw Red for Free Online
Authors: Harry Kemelman
he listened.
    “There’s no question about it.” the dean said. “Two quizzes were given in that Miss Dunlop’s section and she failed both of them – badly, the final was the departmental exam, the same exam for all seven sections, and consisted of a hundred questions –”
    “A hundred?”
    “That’s right. It was an objective test – short, two-or three-word answers. Each of the section men submitted ten questions and Professor Hendryx added thirty of his own. No one else saw those thirty questions except Professor Fine, who was given the job of mimeographing the exam.”
    “Professor Hendryx’s secretary?” suggested the president.
    “He doesn’t have one. Besides. Professor Hendryx assured me he had typed the stencil himself.”
    “All right.”
    “Kathy Dunlop got an A in the exam, and it averaged out with the two quizzes to give her a C-minus in the course.”
    “She could have studied hard and boned up for it, you know.” the president observed.
    “Professor Hendryx checked with Mr. Bailen, her instructor, the girl answered every single question correctly. Mr. Bailen said he couldn’t have done it himself. Eighty-five right is an A; one hundred is unheard of, the way these objective tests work, no one is expected to get all the answers correct.”
    “All right.” said Macomber. “But why assume Professor Fine is to blame? The girl could have got it from a discarded sheet in the wastepaper basket, or from one of the janitors.”
    Dean Hanbury shook her head. “Professor Fine was instructed to take a reading on the automatic counter before and after running off the stencil, the difference between the two numbers was one hundred and fifty-three, and that was the exact number of copies he turned in to Professor Hendryx.”
    “I see. Did you talk to Professor Fine?”
    “No. I didn’t think it advisable until I had discussed it with you. I might mention that, according to Professor Hendryx, on several occasions Professor Fine has remarked that examinations were a lot of nonsense.”
    “With that attitude I imagine Professor Fine is quite popular with his students.” said Macomber wryly.
    “I believe he is,” she admitted, “and with the younger members of the faculty as well, he’s quite outspoken and is regarded as concerned, that’s the term they use nowadays – concerned: He was the leader in the movement to recruit black students, and even organized a tutoring service for them among the younger members of the faculty, he wrote the article in The Windrift that I showed you, if you remember.”
    “Oh; yes, the red-headed chap? Walks with a cane?”
    “That’s the one, he came at midyears on a one-year contract, so if you decide to drop him there should be no problem with the AAUP.”
    “Well now,” said Macomber. “let’s not be hasty. Just because he has no tenure and no legal right to a hearing, doesn’t mean it wouldn’t cause a lot of trouble if we failed to grant him one. You yourself say he’s popular with students and faculty. This is just the sort of thing that could be blown up into a student protest. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you. Millicent, that’s the last thing we need now with school opening in a couple of days.”
    “But a member of the faculty helped a student to cheat! Do you have any idea what could happen if that got out?”
    “Oh, I don’t think that’s likely. Not if Professor Fine is approached in the proper manner. Suppose we play it this way….”
    Seated in the visitor’s chair. Roger Fine appeared completely at ease except for his whitened knuckles on the hand gripping his cane. “You realize. Miss Hanbury,” he said, “that you have no real proof.”
    “Do you deny it?”
    “I neither deny nor affirm it,” he said negligently. “I don’t think I’m required to answer at all.”
    Dean Hanbury tapped her desk with her fingertips as she gathered her thoughts. Finally she said. “I have not spoken to Miss Dunlop – as yet. I feel

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