
Read Trusted for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Trusted for Free Online
Authors: Jacquelyn Frank
obvious…that Ulric was gone. When I addressed the topic he grew testy. He was not ready to let go. But then, within minutes he was announcing the mourning of Ulric. So I thought that perhaps all was forgiven and soon to be forgotten.”
    “Well he hasn’t forgotten clearly. He wishes to see you at night’s meal tomorrow night.”
    Sarea nibbled on her bottom lip and her brother was savvy to the fact that she did this right before she told someone something they didn’t want to hear.
    “I’m sorry, but I won’t be going,” she said.
    Dakon’s jaw dropped. “You’re going to rebuff the command of the king?” he asked incredulously. “Are you mad?”
    “Hardly. And was it a command or was it a request? If it is a command of course I must go, but it sounded as though it is a request. If so I politely decline to go.”
    “And what do I say to him when he asks me where my sister is? Do you know how this is going to make me look? That I cannot control a woman…of my own blood?”
    “Simply tell him that I was unable to make it due to previous engagements. This will be the best answer and it will be the truth. I was to go to the southlands with mother tomorrow. There is dashu fever in some of the farms and the families need tending.”
    It was a female duty for daughters of the wealthy to aid the unfortunate whenever possible. But Dakon did not like the idea of his sister or his mother being exposed to dashu fever. It was a terrible sickness that often left survivors blind or deaf from the heat of the fever. But farmers stricken with the disease, those who already had so little, it fell to those with charity in their hearts, like his sister and mother, to carry them through the difficult times.
    “Beloved sister,” he began, but she held up a hand to cut him off.
    “I know I am your beloved sister, but two shona ago you asked me to do something no brother should ask his beloved sister to do. You were ready to sell me to the king’s bed. Well, I found another way that kept me out of the king’s bed and kept the king out of my reputation. I have no desire to change that. I prefer to keep a safe distance from the king’s notice.”
    “It is too late for that. He has noticed you. He asked for you specifically. Perhaps he merely wishes to thank you.”
    “For what?” she asked on a laugh. “For forcing him to realize his beloved cousin was dead and was awaiting passage to the afterworld? He feels no thanks towards me, I promise you that. No, if the king wants to see me it is most likely for other reasons…some of which I can guess at. It may be all innocence as you say, he may just wish to resolve our small altercation, but it just as equally may not. It is best for all concerned that I remain at a distance. He will soon grow bored of the idea of me.”
    “You are so certain he has ulterior motives? That he perhaps wants you in his bed?”
    “I am only saying that it is a possibility that had best be avoided.”
    “But to be mistress to the king! The prestige that comes with such a title! It would elevate this entire family.”
    “I would hardly be mistress. I would no doubt be a single night of fancy and then easily forgotten the next day. My virtue would be in tatters and the ‘prestige’ would fade very quickly. There are many others with such prestige and I do not want to count myself among them.”
    “You cannot say no to the king!” Dakon cried.
    “I most certainly can. Unless, as we’ve already discussed, I am commanded to. Was it a command?”
    “Well…no. I don’t think he gave it all that much thought.”
    “There. You see? He will not even miss my presence. It is best for you to concentrate on making the best impression possible with the Trusted.”
    “It will not be a very good impression should I show up without you.”
    “We’ve been over this and I will not change my mind.”
    “You are very stubborn,” her brother groused.
    “It comes with my bloodlines,” she said with a

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