Trickle Down Tyranny
attitude toward our country. Michelle Obama revealed with five words just how great her and her husband’s lack of respect—indeed, their utter contempt—for America is. While attending a 9/11 memorial ceremony at the World Trade Center in which the American flag was folded in the traditional manner, the First Socialist Lady rolled her eyes and said to her husband, “All this over a flag?” to which Barack Obama grinned and nodded his head in agreement. 9
    That sarcastic contempt for everything American, everything truly democratic, carries over into her political views. She’s in favor of having schools feed our children, because the kids spend half their waking hours in schools and schools shape “the choices they’re going to make for the rest of their lives.” She’s in agreement with Marx and Engels, who favored eliminating the role of the family in raising children. Michelle argues that the government “should provide clear, actionable guidance to . . . families on how to increase physical activity, improve nutrition, and reduce screen time.” 10
    In other words, her supposed campaign against obesity is nothing more than an excuse to have the state take over the raising of America’s children.
    The First Socialist Lady is only another in a long line of wives and paramours of dictatorial leaders, living the high life while she and her husband do everything in their power to keep their subjects from doing the same.
    Are you starting to understand what’s been happening in this rogue administration?
    Why Do I Call It Trickle Down Tyranny ?
    Anyone who knows me or listens to my radio program will tell you that I choose my words carefully. I do exhaustive research and consider all the evidence. So when I tell you that Obama is a tyrant with a relentless desire to undermine our country, I mean what I say and I know what I’m talking about.
    And when you read Trickle Down Tyranny , you will, too.
    You’re not going to find the evidence of Obama’s tyranny in the pages of your local newspaper or on a nightly newscast. Fox News won’t touch it. Even your favorite blogger doesn’t have this. You have to follow me into the dusty stacks of government archives, peer into the pages of overseas newspapers that don’t worship at Obama’s shrine, and go where members of the Government-Media Complex fear to tread.
    One of the things the network news and print journalists have refused to recognize is that we’re heading for a dictatorship. No one understands that when you put the government in the hands of someone who’s been brainwashed into believing the leftist tripe that passes for course content in American’s colleges and universities you’re submitting yourself to a tyrant.
    Tyranny starts at the top. The people don’t cause tyranny, their rulers do.
    The last time the country was faced with having to rid itself of a ruler like the one currently occupying the White House was in 1776. As part of freeing themselves from the rule of the British king, America’s Founding Fathers compiled a long list of what makes a tyrant and what constitutes tyrannical abuses.
    As I go through that list in 2011, I find that Obama has committed many of the abuses catalogued in the Declaration of Independence.
    The only thing he hasn’t done is hire Hessian mercenaries to attack Americans in their homes and on their farms. In place of the foreign mercenaries, the Obama government now uses tax collectors, environmental regulators, zoning inspectors, and every conceivable bureaucrat to invade our homes, farms, factories, and businesses!
    In other words, Barack Obama fits our founders’ definition of a tyrant.
    Here is what they wrote:
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. . . . The history of the

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