Treasured Dreams

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Book: Read Treasured Dreams for Free Online
Authors: Kendall Talbot
him one afternoon a couple of weeks ago while he’d been sitting in a sun-drenched Rome street begging for food. An old man and little boy had approached him to toss a few coins into his lap. When Nox had glanced up to thank them, he’d looked into the eyes of a man who had ruined many young boy’s lives.
    Father Domenico Zanobi. The name had frozen on his lips at the sight of the paedophile.
    Nox had gone unnoticed. Of course he had. It was more than thirty years since Zanobi had laid eyes on him. But Nox could remember it like it was yesterday. Zanobi had had a penchant for glaring down at the orphaned boys from the curved balcony that hovered over their dormitory beds. Most of the children would be asleep when Zanobi scanned from one sleeping child to the next.
    Nox had wanted to be chosen. He’d wanted to spend time with Zanobi, as most of the other boys had done. When Zanobi’s eyes fell on Nox, his childish breath had caught in his throat.
    Finally, one night, he’d thought it was his turn. But no, Zanobi simply sneered and moved onto the next bed.
    When Zanobi had tossed those coins into his lap in Rome, Nox had glanced at the young boy holding the old man’s hand. The child had looked blissfully happy.
    Nox had never had that pleasure.
    He’d followed Zanobi that day in Rome. Watched him hold the little boy’s hand as he led him through the cobbled streets. When the old predator went along a narrow alley and disappeared up a set of ancient stairs, Nox had followed him up there, too. Later that day, after the young boy left with a new pair of white shoes, Nox had gone into Zanobi’s room and reacquainted himself with the old bastard.
    Zanobi would never get to choose another boy again.
    That freak encounter in the stifling afternoon sun in Rome had been another sign of destiny. It had helped Nox work out where he was going to take Rosalina once he kidnapped her.
    The old orphanage.
    The one that had been abandoned in a hurry one sunny morning thirty years ago. Until that day in Rome, he’d forgotten all about it. He just hoped they hadn’t demolished it.
    Nox felt for the gun in the bag beneath his armpit as he ate the chocolate bar and worked his way along the tunnels beneath the church. He would have no hesitation using the weapon if he needed to. Rosalina had turned out to be a strong one. She’d nearly strangled him the last time he’d captured her. She would not get that opportunity again.
    Ever since Rosalina had shot him with that spear, she’d hit the top of his revenge list. Once he’d finished using her, he was looking forward to watching her die a slow and agonising death.

Chapter Seven
    Rosalina dragged her eyes away from the twinkling lights on the neighbouring yacht outside Evangeline ’s window to stir the garlic and butter with her wooden spoon. The aromas were just beginning to release when she tossed in the onion and stirred it quickly to coat it in the butter.
    â€˜That smells great.’ Ginger sidled up beside her. She had already learnt so much from Rosalina about cooking, and yet she never seemed to tire of it.
    â€˜Tip the rice in,’ Rosalina instructed.
    Ginger poured in the Arborio rice as Rosalina continued to stir. ‘So we coat all the grains in the butter first, and they will soon become a little translucent.’
    â€˜Okay.’ Ginger rose up on her toes to look into the pot.
    â€˜The trick with a good risotto is to allow the grains of rice to absorb all the moisture before you add any more liquid,’ Rosalina said.
    In another pot on the stove she had her homemade duck stock already simmering. The duck meat was resting beneath foil on a plate in the oven.
    â€˜Now we increase the heat and pour in the red wine.’
    Rosalina took a quick sip first. She couldn’t help herself. Made from Villa Pandolfini’s own grapes, the wine had a deep pomegranate colour and offered subtle aromas of oak

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