"No and it's driving me crazy. Jeff has some temp agency providing help for the weddings, but I told him I'd take care of the guest rooms and the classrooms downstairs."
Once the eggs were done, she poured them into a dish, added some oil to the skillet and sautéed the onions, then added frozen peas and carrots. She tossed in the chicken and egg, followed by the rice, adding ginger, garlic, butter and soy sauce, sprinkling a few sesame seeds in.
Henry dried two plates and set them down beside her.
"Thanks," she said, then put the wooden spoon in the skillet, turned the heat down and reached out to pull him close. "Wow, I've missed you."
She felt tears come to her eyes and buried her face in his chest. "Don't go away for that long again, okay?"
"If this is the reception I get when I return, I might go away a lot more often," he teased.
"Hmph," she said and dished the rice up to their plates. "I'm going to keep you so busy around here that you won't have time to go anywhere else, how about that?"
"That sounds fine," he agreed. "Now, can I have one more before we eat?"
"One more what?" Polly was confused.
"One more of these." He took the plates out of her hand and put them on the peninsula, then wrapping his left arm around her waist, he threaded the fingers of his right hand into the hair at the base of her neck and tipped her back, kissing her. Polly quit thinking.
When he released her, she swayed and he helped her stand back upright. She stood still for a moment and said, "Oh my. Welcome home."
They pushed papers and books away from a corner of the table and sat down to eat. She pulled out one of the larger sheets of paper from the pile and set it in front of him.
"What do you think?" she asked, showing him the sketch that Lydia had given her of the garden area.
"This is for the corner of the lot?"
"Yeah. I told you about that, didn't I?"
"You did. Who is doing the work on this?"
"Louis Waters is going to do some of it and Lydia has lined up people to do the digging and concrete work. I think it will take them all summer to get it where she wants it, but it's going to be beautiful!"
"It won't take that long. Louis is as good as they come, Polly. Someday you should go by their house. He and Deb have created a garden fairy land. If they're involved in the project, you are really lucky."
"Nancy Burroughs is the other person Lydia has helping her. She mentioned that they've wanted to do something with that corner for years. I don't know what else I'd do with that space and if we can keep from mowing it, all the better."
"Nancy used to teach home economics here at Bellingwood before they closed the school. She retired after that, but I think she's still involved with the garden club in town and maybe the Farmer's Market too."
Henry put his fork down and said, "So, how are things going with the horses?"
"Oh, Henry, I can't wait for you to see them! They are so much healthier!"
"Are you having fun with them?"
"You know, it's been fun learning how to take care of them and I have loved watching them come back from where they were. It's a lot of work, though."
"But, are you having fun with them? Are they yours yet?"
"I think Nat and Daisy are all mine. Both of them come looking for attention and affection when I go out there. I don't know what to think about Demi. He's a bit of a brat. Sometimes I think that he's messing with me like a brother would. He'll ignore me and then the next thing I know he will sneak up behind me and blow air at my head. Whenever we work, he's really good about it, though."
"What about Nan? You said she was the alpha of the group."
"I think she likes me, but she spends a lot of time wandering around the pasture and travels back and forth in and out of the barn. It's almost like she can't believe it is really going to be okay. If I were giving her human emotions, I would say that the neglect upset her because there wasn't anything she could do about it. When she isn't