Tratado de economía marxista Tomo II

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Book: Read Tratado de economía marxista Tomo II for Free Online
Authors: Ernest Mandel
Tags: Ciencias sociales
Civilization . The New American Library, New York, 1959, 188 pp.
    FARRINGTON, Benjamin: Greek Science. Penguin Books , Harmondsworth 1949. Volume I, 154 pp. Volume II, 181 pp. [Ciencia griega . Hachette, Buenos Aires.]
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    Federal Trade Commission: Report on the Copper Industry . US Government Printing Office, Washington, 1947, 420 pp.
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    Fédération Internationale des Ouvriers sur Métaux: Les plus grandes sociétés sidérurgiques du monde libre . Étude ronéotypée préparée pour la conférence sur l’acier qui s’est tenue à Vienne le 19-21 mars 1959.
    FERRY, Jules: Le Tonkin et la Mère-Pairie . V. Harvard, Paris, 1890, 406 pp.
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    FISCHEL, Walter J.: «Ueber die Gruppe der Karimi-Kaufleute», in Studia Arabica , Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, Roma, 1937, I, pp. 67-82. FISCHEL, Walter J.: Jews in the Economic and Political Life of Medieval Islam . Royal Asiatic Society Monographs, vol. XXII, London, 1937, 139 pp.
    FISCHEL, Walter J.: «The Origin of Banking in Medieval Islam», in Journal of Royal Asiatic Society . FISCHER, F. J.: «The Development of London Food-Market 1540-1640», in Economic History Review , vol. V, n.º 2, pp. 46-64.
    FITZGERALD, Patrick: Industrial Combination in England . Pitman & Sons, London, 1927, 230 pp.
    FLEDDERUS, Mary and VAN KLEECK, Mary: Technology and Livelyhood . Russell Sage Foundation, New York. 1944, 237 pp.
    FONG H. D.: Cotton Industry and Trade in China . The Chihli Press, Tientsin, 1932, vol. I, 330 pp.
    FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION: Annuaire de Statistiques 1952 .
    FORBES, Meyer: The Dynamics of Clanship among the Talensi . Oxford University Press, 1945, 270 pp. FORDE, C. Daryll: Habitat, Economy and Society . Methuen & Cy, 8th edition, London, 1950, 500 pp.
    FORDE, C. Daryll and SCOTT, Dr. Richenda: The Native Economies of Nigeria , Faber and Faber Ltd., London, 1946, 312 pp.
    FORSTMANN, Albert: Geld und Credit . Gottingen, 1952. Vanderhoeck & Rupprecht, 2 vol. I, 298 pp. II, pp. 303-824. [Dinero y credito . El Ateneo, Buenos Aires.]
    FOSTER, W.: and CATCHINGS, W: Profit . Houghton and Mifflin. Boston-New York, 1925, 465 pp.
    FOURASTIÊ, Jean: Le Grand Espoir du XXe siècle . Paris, 1949, 223 pp. [La gran esperanza del siglo XX . Luis Miracle, Barcelona.]
    FRAZER, Sir James George: Myths of the Origin of Fire . MacMillan & Cy, London, 1930, 238 pp. [ Mitos sobre el origen del fuego . Emecé, Buenos Aires.]
    FREI, L. L: Die heutigen Banksysteme Englands, der USA und Frankreichs . Verlag Die Wirtschaft, Berlin, 1955, 223 pp.
    FRIEDMANN, Georges: Ou va le travail htimain? Gallimard, Paris, 1950, 389 pp. [¿A dónde va el trabajo humano? Sudamericana, Buenos Aires.]
    FRIEDMANN, Georges: Le Travail en Miettes . Gallimard, Paris, 1956, 347 pp. [El trabajo desmenuzado . Sudamericana, Buenos Aires.]
    FRIEDMANN, R. P. John: «Developmental Planning in Haiti» in Economic Development and Cultural Change . Noviembre 1955.
    FROMM, Erich: The Fear of Freedom . Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960,

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