Total Apoc Trilogy (Book 2): Fighting the Hordes

Read Total Apoc Trilogy (Book 2): Fighting the Hordes for Free Online

Book: Read Total Apoc Trilogy (Book 2): Fighting the Hordes for Free Online
Authors: TW Gallier
Tags: Zombies
personal arsenal when the shit hit the fan."
            "I bet he's not happy," I said.
                "To say the least," Jake continued.  "It's been enough so far, but he didn't have a lot of ammo.  We are running dangerously low.  So really, we are more interested in the ammo at the armory, but will take all they have."
                He handed each of us a pistol.  I don't know a lot about guns, but I knew a Colt 1911 .45 when I saw it.  They looked old and battered, but I had no doubt they functioned properly.  I racked it to chamber a round, set the safety, and then holstered it.
                He handed me a walkie-talkie and some extra batteries.  "This is all we have for communications.  Other than Mike Carter, who is ex-Army, no one knows proper communications procedures, so just know you have to say 'over' whenever you're finished speaking and expect a reply.  And say 'out' when the conversation is finished and no reply is necessary."
                "Over and out, Captain," Ralph said.
                Jake looked at him, shook his head, and walked away.
                "Did I say something wrong?" Ralph asked.
                I shrugged.  "Not that I heard.  These people seem kind of touchy."
                The tractors were almost to the other end of the bridge.  Jake's lead truck drove up onto the bridge, and the other vehicles started following.  Olivia wanted to lift the windshield up.  She didn't want to make it too easy for the zombies to attack us.  I disagreed.
                I grabbed one of the AR15s and chambered a round.  Safety on.
                "With the windshield down, I can shoot all around," I replied, swinging the AR15 back and forth to show her.  "With it up I can only shoot to the right.  Ralph, take care of the left side, don't let any walkers get to Olivia, and I'll take care of the right side."
                Poof.  Poof.  Poof.   I looked across the bridge at the now familiar sound of 40mm grenade launchers.  Boom!  Boom!  Boom!
                The big panel truck in front of us started moving.  Olivia put the jeep in gear and followed. 
                "What are those other two sticks for?" I asked.
                There were three "stick shifters" on the floor between us, one tall and two short.  Since I'd never driven a standard, they confused me.  I knew some commercial four-wheel drives had a lever for shifting between 2-wheel and 4-wheel drive, but that jeep had two extra levers.
                Olivia shrugged.  "This is my first jeep.  I don't know."
                "It's on the left plate on the dash," Ralph said.
                He was correct.  It was detailed for us right there.  The Army spelled it out so I could understand it, even if I couldn't actually do it.
                I shook my head.  "This is going to be a fun trip."
                Everyone drove excruciatingly slow.  I watched the fight at the other end of the bridge.  The men finally pulled the fence straight back and down flat on the pavement.  The immediate area was devoid of upright zombies, but the ground was carpeted with the dead.  Beyond the fighters I saw hundreds, maybe thousands, of walkers heading towards them fearlessly.
                My heart rate ramped up and my hands tightened around the rifle.  Ralph swung the M60 around towards the zombies across the river and let out a short burst.  Hot brass showered me and Olivia.
                "Hey, give a warning," I said.
                Olivia and I put our helmets back on.
                "Sorry.  Just making sure it fired before we got into the thick of it."
                I watched the tractors, with two pillboxes mounted to each of them, drive off the bridge on the other side.  The tractors spread

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