Torkel's Chosen

Read Torkel's Chosen for Free Online

Book: Read Torkel's Chosen for Free Online
Authors: Michelle Howard
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Romance
would have been okay if you changed your mind. I would not have held you to
your mistake.”
    His words hit hard
for some reason. “I didn’t make a mistake. I wanted only you.”
    The elevator doors
opened to a narrow hallway with thick grey carpet on the floor. There was only
room for two men side by side. Torkel walked beside her while two others walked
ahead and two followed behind. Faye remembered what the man from the Commission
had said.
    “Am I in danger?”
    “As your Chosen, I
will see you safe.” Torkel kept walking, his bare feet silent.
    “Oh my God, you
don’t have on shoes.” Faye skipped to keep up but he ignored her as he entered
a room behind the guys who’d been in the lead.
    Faye froze, only
half noticing the two guys who gently moved her out their way to enter. At
least ten stares pinned her to the spot. Men standing, some sprawled on lounge
chairs and a few others around the room played a game on a low round table. It
wasn’t until Torkel reached the center of the room that he realized she wasn’t
with him. The look he cast in her direction displayed patience.  Torkel came
back over to lead Faye all of the way into the room.
    “This is my Chosen,
Faye Reid. She is deserving of your respect.” Torkel announced to the room. He pointed
to the men who’d accompanied them. “This is Jaron, the dark-haired one is Arak.
Geile and Gregir traveled with us also.”
    Torkel kept both
her hands in his and spoke clearly. “That was not a typical presentation. I
want to make you welcome but I wish to change clothes first. Then we can talk
about any concerns you have.” His fingers brushed over her knuckles. “Will you
give me a few moments?”
    Faye relaxed. She
understood nerves and offered him a grin. “You mean it’s not always that
    His harsh visage
eased as he ran a hand over his ruffled hair. “Not at all. The other men are from
my unit. Fellow Jutak warriors. You’re safe with them. A doctor will arrive
shortly to see to your injuries.”
    “She’s injured?”
From one of the newcomers. A wicked scar slashed across his left cheek and ended
at his collarbone.
    “Axan hurt her,
Kyele. It’s a long story.” Torkel pressed a kiss on her temple. “Watch over her
until I return. I’ll be right back.”

Chapter 5
    Faye stayed
exactly where Torkel left her as the men gathered around her. They stared as if
they’d never seen a woman before. Most of them were blond and blue eyed though
there were a few like Arak and Torkel who had shades of brown hair. If she
didn’t know better, Faye would have assumed they were humans.
    Jaron pointed to a
long sectional that curved on the ends. The odd furniture had a high back and
was low to the floor. “You should rest.”
    The statement was
more a command that usually she would have protested against but Faye
gratefully sat on the edge. The man with the scar, Kyele, took the seat across
from her.
    “Tell us of
Earth,” he demanded. “You’re our first human.”
    Faye leaned far
back in her seat and tucked her feet to the side. “Most of you look human to
    Arak grimaced.
“Why would you leave your home to claim men who look the same?”
    “What?” She
glanced around at their avid stares.
    More of the group prowled
closer and a few joined her on the sofa. It reminded her of being surrounded by
    One of the red
uniformed-clad men eyed her from head to toe before explaining Arak’s remark. “I’m
Geile, Gregir is my brother. Women who are in the SP are looking for the
exotic. Something different from what they have at home.”
    Heads nodded in
    Faye hadn’t
thought of that. “Well. I guess I’m okay with exotic but I applied to the
program because of the shortage of men on my planet.”
    “Why is there a
shortage?” Gregir challenged from behind her and leaned over the back of the
sofa invading her personal space.
    Faye cringed and
shoved her hands between her legs to still the shaking.

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