
Read Timeless for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Timeless for Free Online
Authors: Amanda Paris
Tags: Romance, Historical, Gothic, Paranormal, Magic, Witches, Time travel, Witchcraft, love
mean that,
Em, honestly. It’s just that everybody knows what kind of girl
Angela is and what boys are into and all.”
    “Huh?” I wasn’t following.
    “You know,” she said, giving me a knowing
eyebrow raise.
    “Well, obviously I don’t,” I answered.
    “Come on. Think about it. Isn’t Ben always
trying to make out with you? And let’s face it, Angela puts it out
    “I don’t think Ben is tempted by that.”
    “All boys are tempted by that,” she said
    That gave me pause. Ben and I had always
taken things slowly. Annie had pestered me, wanting the details of
our first kiss when it had happened several months ago. She
couldn’t believe we’d waited so long, but I was old-fashioned. I
thought Ben was too. Her words made me think; did he feel tempted
by Angela? Had I put the brakes on our relationship a little too
    We pulled into the parking lot of the mall
and entered by the food court.Annie immediately found two stores
where she wanted to shop. We wandered around for several hours, and
I still hadn’t found anything I really liked. Seven stores, one ice
cream cone, and five outfit try-ons later and I was sure I wasn’t
going to find anything.
    “One last shop, Em, come on,” Annie said,
pulling my arm in the direction of a vintage store we’d overlooked
on our way in.
    “Okay, but that’s it,” I replied. “We’ve got
to go soon so I have time to get ready for tonight.”
    “Is Ben taking you somewhere nice?” she
    “I don’t know. He said ‘dinner at six,’ but I
don’t know where.”
    A strange feeling came over me as we entered
the store. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed this place before. A
mannequin in the window wore the most unusual dress I’d ever seen.
I loved it on sight.
    I pulled Annie in, asking the sales girl if
they had my size.
    “You’re in luck; the only one in stock is in
the window, and it’s a six,” she answered, checking the tag and
taking the dress down for me to try on.
    Annie just looked at me with disbelieving
eyes. It had a very old-fashioned cut, even for my tastes. I didn’t
care. I felt curiously drawn to the ivory dress, which featured
wide sleeves that opened from the elbow down. The waist parted to
reveal a golden lace underskirt. Normally, I didn’t go for
something quite this old-fashioned, but something compelled me to
try it on. I knew it looked almost like a costume, but it seemed so
familiar to me.
    I quickly undressed in the fitting rooms and
put on the dress, which fit like it was made for me. I stared at
myself for a moment and then knew. I looked like I had in the
dream. The dress looked familiar because it was.
    I came out of the room and modeled for Annie,
who looked at me, surprised.
    “Wow, you look amazing,” she said, looking me
over. “But won’t it be a little dressy for tonight?” she asked.
    “Yeah, I guess so,” I said a little
    She was right; I didn’t really have an
occasion for the dress. Still, it felt so right. I didn’t want to
take it off.
    I decided to make the purchase anyway and
worry about where to wear it later.
    We left, Annie chatting about the fall fling
our school had every year as we entered the parking lot.
    “That’s where I’ll wear it,” I said,
interrupting her.
    “Wear what?” Annie asked, already forgetting
my dress.
    “The dress,” I reminded her.
    “Oh yeah, I guess so…” she replied a little
doubtfully, thinking, I was sure, of the older cut of the gown. I’d
never been too trendy anyway, so it didn’t bother me. And Ben
probably wouldn’t even notice. He always told me I looked great. It
was a definite plus having him around.
    “It should be okay…” she started slowly,
“except that you aren’t supposed to wear white after Labor
    “Oh, come on. You really are the fashion
police,” I said, rolling my eyes at her.
    “I’m just saying…”
    “Well, it’s ivory, anyway,” I compromised.
“That’s off-white,

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